So it's been about a week since my last blog entry. He and I are still talking, and it's been slowly getting better. I've been hesitant to badger him about his feelings and thoughts on stuff. I'm still going to give it time but I still need to drop a bomb at some point and tell him we either make a compromise on how to spend time together, and learn how to communicate without making assumptions or I seriously can't do it - because if not it'll always be what I have to do or not do for him to be happy and that's not fair. At the same time I am using this as an opportunity to learn how to toughen my skin. He has AS which deserves some understanding and patience and his overall attitude could help me learn how to be less sensitive and take less things personally. It's a trait of mine that I do not like. My feelings are hurt rather easily and I want to learn how to take things better.

I've received further confirmation that he doesn't consider us over and perhaps doesn't want it to end (just yet). The other day we were talking:

Him: So are you going to take the job offer?
Me: No. I'm just going to stick with my job at _______. Much less stressful that way.
Me: I'm honestly glad I am done with this internship.
Him: Wow... I just read that so wrong haha
Me: How did you read it?
Him: 'I'm honestly glad I am done with this relationship' I was like WOAH.... WOAH.... wait wat?
Me: lol nope

And then yesterday he called me on Skype voluntarily. We ended up playing an online game together for 2 hours and then we watched a movie over Skype together. I then let him go so he could go play a game with a friend. He said he'd call me back later on but I didn't hold me breath. He actually did end up calling me again and we were in a Skype call for a few hours while we did our own thing. That is what it's been like in the past and I think in retrospect it's not as bad as it may have seemed to him. And it doesn't have to be like that every day. I just want a little bit of his time and then on occasion spend a little more time together doing something.

I was feeling hopeful yesterday but today not as much. I haven't heard from him at all since 10:00 last night and it's now it's going on past midnight (it's been over 24 hours - not 2 hours). I've never gone more than 24 hours without hearing from him, even when we were arguing he'd send some sort of message. I'm afraid it'll come off wrong if I message him asking him to get a hold of me somehow so I know everything is okay. It may come off as stalkerish but I actually abused a bit of a loophole in Facebook's system. Even if you choose to not sign into Facebook messenger and hide your online status, the Facebook messenger app will tell people when you are active or when you were last on Facebook. I checked a bit ago and he has been active today so I know he isn't dead at the very least. Did I mention that before I started dating him I had an online friend whom I talked to on a daily basis. I began to grow concerned when I hadn't heard from him in over 24 hours and I fought to not worry because when it comes to stuff like this it's always something silly. Well unfortunately it was the worst case scenario - he passed away.

Edit: I finally heard from him a little bit ago after a day and a half. We didn't get to talk long, I asked if everything was okay, he said yeah, so I asked how he'd been and he proceeded to rant about his family. After he was done ranting he left for a nap. He said he'd be back online later to talk to me. Don't know what the chances are of that. He was online and active yesterday but didn't bother leaving any message, and he left almost as soon as he came today. And not to sound like a dick or anything but it's not like he's got a lot going on... he's a major homebody. He works from home, only leaves the house unless he really needs to go to the store or the bank, doesn't socialize much outside the internet, he lives with his brother and they do not interact much (they don't get along), he's quite glued to his computer so I don't see much of an excuse for not taking even half an hour out of the... *counting* time that equates to almost 2 days to contact me. If he does still consider me his girlfriend like he claims then I think he owes it to me. But still I am not hopeful for his end. He wants certain things but he doesn't want to work for them and he perceives any effort as a lot of work even if it's really not.