So the reasons I was given when he dumped me were "We don't mesh that well together" and "We bump heads a lot".

Is it bad that I still think he's blowing this out of proportion? It's so frustrating, and why?

Ever since the breakup, absolutely nothing has changed between us. Seriously. The only thing we don't do is give pet names and say I love you. He texts me every morning telling me good morning. When I get home at night he calls me on Skype. He's bought me a game on Steam, he's asked me if I want to play a few games with him, and each night he wants to watch something on Skype with me. If anything, we've been acting closer than prior to our breakup. We could say that this is because we're better off as a friends than a couple but this is a concept I am not completely understanding because if I'm totally honest, I don't even fully feel like we're broken up. Don't get me wrong, I am well aware that we've broken up and I don't mentally or socially regard him as my boyfriend anymore, but I do still love him and if his reasons for ending it still stand then it doesn't add up.

He says we bump heads a lot and that we don't mesh well together. If we don't mesh well together then why this past week have you been spending a great deal of your free time with me? Why do we find it so easy to get along? We're so comfortable with each other and it's not like I'm not speaking from a lack of experience. Trust me I've had individuals who I did not click with claiming we connect so well. I know a connection and he and I have a connection. And for me it's not a "dating complicates things" mentality, because again things essentially haven't changed for me mentally. It's not like the second he's no longer my boyfriend I'm no longer capable of getting mad at him, or that if he's dating me he's anymore obligated to do more than he is right now. I'd have been fine with our scenario, this current scenario (with the exclusiveness). But it's like he psyched himself out.

Yesterday he sent me a text saying "I feel like I should get this out in the open. I don't want you to get caught up on me and I don't want to lead you on but I do genuinely like your company and spending time with you."

...What? Says the guy who says we don't mesh well together.

I mean, if the feelings just aren't there they aren't, but I just don't see how he can't feel absolutely nothing and think we don't mesh well together when even after breaking up he is spending a great deal of his time with me.