Things have been smoothed out since my last post. I got my friend to take the plunge and just commit to a hotel room for our stay. As much as I'd like to spend time with her, I don't want to spend the entire visit (almost 2 weeks) cooped up in her tiny apartment. This will also allow my boyfriend and I to have some alone time to become more physically reacquainted and get out of the same initial shock and excitement of being together. Kind of awkward to do that in constant company of other people. Not to mention, when we are there we will be sleeping on an air mattress and I'm not sure how comfy that will be.

I fly in on the 20th, and my friend and I will spend 2 days doing our girly stuff... we're going to go to the mall, and probably just spend a day bumming around her house watching movies, playing games, etc etc. Then on the 23rd we are going to drive out to Seattle, check into our hotel rooms, I will spend the afternoon pampering and dolling myself up, and then probably around 7:00 we will head to the airport to pick up my boyfriend. We are going to spend a couple days exploring Seattle in the cheapest way we can manage. I had some stuff I wanted to do and go see but my friend is acting frugal so some of it will likely have to be sacrificed. But I said I wanted to make sure we take my boyfriend to all of the iconic places such as Pike Place and the space needle. We are definitely going to be raiding some Asian markets while there since that area is full of asian markets and restaurants and I am deprived of any sort of cultural food. I live in one of those pepper is spicy areas.

We leave early on July 2nd. And on July 11th I will be flying out to New York to move in with him! So crazy, it's coming up fast! My only concern right now about the move is the apartment. Right now my boyfriend is still just renting out a room and they have no leads on an apartment. They had found one but they are waiting on one of the other room mates to line up a job before they turn in the applications.