I've been sick with this cold-like bug for over a week and it's taking an emotional toll on me. I'm not congested nasally. I'm not coughing or sneezing, no fever. But my throat has been snore and I've had post nasal drip paired with mucus build up that I just cannot clear up to save my life. I've blown my nose so hard it's given me a nose bleed. And I try hard to cough up any possible phlegm that I have but again I don't get much. I feel like it's all stuck in limbo between my nasal cavity and my throat.

This has been making my boyfriend and I but heads because I guess when I lie down maybe the mucus eventually shifts around and makes me snore. For a few days I was mouth-breathing and it made me snore. And it'd also dry out my throat which made my throat even more sore. We both snore and he can for the most part tolerate mine. But apparently my snoring was getting so loud it'd wake him up and he couldn't sleep. So when he woke up he'd wake me up and tell me to clear my nose and throat - but I couldn't. We've both missed out on sleep.

It got to a point where at night if I made even any sort of noise with my nose or throat he'd get mean. He'd nudge me with his elbow. He'd groan and mutter to himself. He'd wake me up and gripe at me. And then one night he even kicked me. That I was not happy about and I let him know about it the next morning. He apologized, and felt bad about it, but still, I feel like he isn't being as sympathetic toward me as he could be. I feel really bad that I'm suddenly snoring so loudly but fact is I can't help it! And because of that I feel like I don't deserve the aggression he's been giving me. He went on to use the exact same defense that he 'can't help' how he reacts at night because he's not fully awake or conscious. So if I have to be understanding of that, why can't he in turn do the same? I never understood people's negative and aggressive attitude toward people who snore. Snoring is something your body is doing because your throat, nose, and mouth are not in a natural state or position. But a person's actions toward someone who's snoring is purely them taking out their frustrations on the person because they are the closest thing to someone or something you can place blame upon because people have this inherent need to have a source to blame and aggressively take our anger out on.

I've tried using my allergy medicine, I've tried Mucinex (both regular and night time), I've tried cough drops, I've been sucking down water like nobodies business, I've tried taking steamy showers before bed in an attempt to clear my system, I've been using nose strips, we've even gotten him sleeping pills. But apparently nothing works.

I feel like he hasn't stopped to think of how this affects me. I'm the one who is sick. I need rest too, that's how you recover from this crap, plus I just started classes, but I've tried my hardest to be considerate of his work schedule. It's gotten to a point that I'm afraid to fall asleep. Granted, I end up falling asleep at some point. But it's turned into these immature back and forths with him like:

Him: I didn't get any sleep last night!
Me: Yes you did. I'd know. I laid there for at least 3 hours messing around on my phone just so you'd get some sleep.
Him: Not possible. I laid there all night listening to you snore. This is getting ridiculous!
Me: You snore too! That's how I know you slept! And if you were awake you'd have seen me on my phone!

I'm miserable too! It's one thing if you just couldn't sleep, but it sucks when you're tired and aren't allowed to sleep or you're afraid to sleep. I've been nodding off in all of my classes. I can't concentrate. The lack of sleep gives me headaches, and when I'm tired my stomach gets sensitive and I get nauseous easily. On top of that, I've been sick! My throat has been sore and my voice has been weak. It's been making my neck ache as well. I've been sucking down water like nobodies business and thus I've been running to the bathroom a lot. I have to get up at 6am, leave at 7, and I don't get back until 6 in the evening.

It's making both of us cranky and I don't like it. I'd been understanding and patient with his aggression up until the point that he kicked me. And just because my foot grazed his. Oh and did I mention he is a major bed hog? He had burrito'd himself in the entire blanket and was lying right next to me while I was at the edge of the bed. I need some room to sprawl even a little, I can't have my legs tightly together and my arms tightly close to me. And maybe this also contributes to my snoring! But that night I stretched one of my legs out a little and grazed his foot, to which his response was to kick me a few times while saying "I'm trying to sleep!"