So since I moved up here we haven't exactly established a system or rules on cleaning the bathroom that we share with the other tenant. My boyfriend and I just assumed we'd take turns. The other tenant hasn't even spoken a word to me, ever, and I don't like him. He snobs me. And in the past when he wanted the bathroom to be cleaned he'd leave a note on the mirror in the bathroom asking one of us to clean the bathroom. Since I am not on the lease (I can't be - plus we're moving anyway) I usually just do it.

Well a little over a week ago I guess he got fed up with how the bathroom is, and instead of writing a note, he closed the toilet lid and sat the Clorox spray on it. I knew what he was doing, and I don't do passive aggression, so I played dumb and put the Clorox back. Plus I didn't have the time to clean the bathroom. It wasn't a disaster or anything. The toilet could use a scrub, the sink could be cleaned as there were tooth past streaks on it, and the garbage bin was filling up. Well, the weekend came and I had intended on cleaning the bathroom but I had errands to run and homework to do, so I pushed my foot into the bin (which was mostly tissues, q tips, and toilet paper rolls) to condense it a bit and buy me some time.

Later I got home from my errands and proceeded to continue my homework. I then hear the other tenant and his girlfriend messing about in the hall and I gathered that they were cleaning the bathroom themselves. I shrugged it off because my boyfriend and I have done it the past few times. Then when my boyfriend came home I noticed him side step over something as he walked into our room.

Those asshats had dumped out all of the garbage right in front of our bedroom door what the hell???