Well, this will be my last blog entry before I actually go into hiatus.
When I'll be back? I don't know.

Today, I greeted my SO on IM.
He then told me he was at an airport and I asked if he was going to pick up a relative or have either of his grandparents go somewhere.

He told me he was coming over.
I freaked out because I was not mentally ready to meet him and that I never had the chance to tell my parents about it.

I kept asking him why, but he just spun me around in circles, even when I accused him of April fooling me.

We're in different time zones, so it was the evening of April 1 in his area when he decided to pull the prank.

It was April 2 for me, thus April Fools' is no longer applicable.

I was really annoyed about that.
I barely crack jokes about our relationship.

I then got back at him, telling him this will go on Fmylife.com and stopped talking to him for about 10 minutes. It backfired when I told him "gotcha".
He still thought everything was funny.

I don't know you, guys.
Either I wasn't in the mood or I officially have no sense of humor.

I just don't think one should make jokes about turning points in a relationship, such as break-ups, cheating and closing the distance.

I'm still a bit annoyed about that even though he made up for it by going on webcam...though I was too depressed to want him to see or hear me like this.

He did get around to cheering me up(which was pretty nice of him), but I'm still a little glum as of late.

Well, that's it for now everyone. Might not be back as late as June.
Send me PMs if you want to talk to me. I won't bite.