My kids had a blast playing in the sand and watching people on there boats and flying kites, i had calmed down alot and got to talk with my SO briefly who reminded me that it was only a month and i would be with him. I returned to the appartment 2 hours later, my mom and step dad were still with my sister. I got my children settled in there beds and sat down in front of the tv. My mom and step dad returned and i asked if they had a good time to which they replied no. My sister spent the entire evening talking about me, everytime mom tried to change the subject my sister brought me into the conversation again. My step dad had had enough, when asked if he was "coping" ok having me around all the time he said he loved it, telling her my children were being as good as gold and that he'd go away with us again in heartbeat. She asked what id been eating and if id been ignoring them to talk to my SO for hours. Although my sister apologuised to my mom for her behaviour it was shortly followed by my brother in law asking my mom to babysit for them one night so they could go out making my mother feel that she wasnt really sorry she just wanted a babysitter.
The next day we took the children swimming, i was feeling nervous as i was wearing a bikini for the first time since i'd had my children but figured what the hell i was on hoilday who cares what anybody thinks. Only to have my sister say loud enough to her husband that she "couldnt believe" i was wearing a bikini after having 2 children. I ignored the comment and choose to play with the children instead.
we need to go and buy some groceries and my daughters shoes needed replacing so my mom and step dad offered to take me shopping as they needed groceries too and asked my sister if she needed anything, they declined and so we went on our own. When we got back we ordered pizza, relaxed and let the children play outside. I decided the children needed an early night and my mom and step dad didnt feel up to going out so we declined to go out in the evening with my sister. Bout 10pm that night my brother in law came over and said they would be going to the amusement park in the morning and they wanted to leave by 10am. I couldnt afford the entrance fee so declined and my mom and step dad declined too as amusements parks are really no interest to them. he said goodnight and left.
I decided to take my children to a huge soft indoor play centre with in the morning, followed by a trip on the miniture railway. My mom and step dad asked they if come join us and we had a great day together. My son found a toy gun in a store and nagged at me to buy it for him so he could play with another child he'd made friends with, i agreed and he was sooo excited and immediatley went to show his friend his new toy. My daighter was playing with my niece and a yo yo that had been brought earlier in the day. My daughter, iant quite tall enough to use the yo yo properly and it hit the floor and broke. My daughter was upset as she'd broken it so i consoled her, My niece went and told her mother what had happened and was promptly told to me tell me what happened. I apologuised to my niece and I promised i would buy her a replacement as soon as i could. Everything seemed fine, till that evening when my brother in law came over asking to talk.
It was then he dropped the bombshell, my sister and he said they felt "shunned" by us because the boys had special needs and that we didnt want to spend anytime with because of it. That my mother was choosing to spend more time with me and my children and it wasnt fair on the children as my niece said she wasnt getting to see her grandmother as much as Nick and Amber were.
To say my step dad got angry would be an understatement! He unloaded everything that had happened the past few days while my mother and i listened, my daughter was in bed luckily but my son was sitting next to me. I keep talking to him to try and keep him calm. My brother in law said we didnt understand what it was like raising disabled children (my son has aspergers and my step dads daughter is blind and has a seeing eye dog, my mother raised a deaf daughter, his wife!). My step dad left to calm down, as he didnt want to shout infront of my son. But i stepped in, telling my brother in law he was an idiot and that i'd been raising an ASD (autisic spectrum disorder) child before he even HAD children but apparently that meant nothing. I then told him to go fuck himself and took my son to bed. My mother had her turn, telling him about my niece getting lost (he denied it happened) and them leaving the children with us un the pub without so much as a word. She pointed out that as i was staying in the same appartment we had no choose but to be together and that it just so happened that me and my mother think the same way and enjoy the same things. He left then shortly after he came back with my sister, Leaving all 3 of the children locked in the appartment UNATTENDED (they are aged 4,5 and 7) Horrified i asked who was watching the kids, my sister snapped saying they would be alright as they could see them through the windows. I pointed out the drapes were closed and demanded the keys so i could go next door and sit with them. As i left, my sister screamed that she was sorry but she didnt have as many arms as me. I ignored her and went into her place to find my youngest nephew out of bed and in the kitchen. I picked him up and put him back to bed, telling the other 2 children who were also awake that mommy and daddy would be back soon. 10 minutes later my sister stormed back in, i gave the keys back to my brother and law and said the little ones where awake but i put them back to bed. He said thanks and i went back to see my mother, she informed me that sarah just sat down crying without saying a word and when my mom didnt say anything to her she stormed out again. My step dad returned a little while later and we were all angry and upset and talked through everything that had happened late into the night. We'd vowed not to let her spoil the hoilday anymore and we would do whatever we wanted.
I decided to take the children to the beach the following day, my mom went to speak with my sister to try and resolve the situation. My step dad stayed in, still far to angry to even entertain the idea of talking to my sister. Roughly 2 hours after my children and i arrived at the beach, my mom arrived with my sister and her family. They choose to sit about 10 feet away from me, i said i to my mom and the children and carried on building sand castles with my daughter. Joseph, cam and sat with me and we played a game where i burried his feet in the sand, said "oh no joey, wheres your toes!" and he'd pull them to show me then insist in hide them again. After about half an hour my brother in law came over and said sorry, he knows it's stressful going through a divorce. A complete none apology, as my divorce had nothing to do with what had happened and hadnt been mentioned by anyone. I said not to worry about it, i had more important things to worry about and walked over to my son who was making sand angels. I was still really mad at what had happened and just wanted to have fun with little ones, i couldnt wait to go home.