For my entire life, I have always dreaded February 14th, that over-commercialized "holiday", made to mock singles. This Valentine's Day is the first one I'm spending in a relationship, seeing as this is my first relationship (and hopefully my only one). I had planned out a care package for Anthony and shipped it on Thursday morning. I was not expecting anything from Anthony for Valentine's Day because I know it's hard for him to ship things from school and he's not currently working, so funds are a bit tight. I was perfectly content with the idea of not getting anything from him either because I'd much rather give than receive. Well, today Valentine's Day came early for me! UPS stopped by and dropped off a package....for me! I opened it, and there was a beautiful necklace inside a small, velvet bag. It is a necklace with a pendant of an anatomically correct human heart! I am a bio major, lol. I was floored! It was the necklace I wanted so badly! I had subtly hinted about it on Facebook and he actually picked up on it! Anthony is not a romantic guy by any means, so this was HUGE for him. There was a note inside the catalog that came in the package. It said "Dear Jen, Happy Valentine's Day! Love Anthony. PS Don't open until February 14th!" Lol, the company put that inside the catalog and I saw it after I'd opened the necklace! Whoops lol. I'd told him about it and he figured that would happen. I told him that made my day, which it did, and he was so glad. It felt so good to actually get a surprise in the mail! I'm not used to that, as I'm usually the one sending him the surprises! xD We're also going to cam on ooVoo on Valentine's Day, too! We never get a chance to because we're both really busy with college, so this is a special day for us both. I asked him if we could go on ooVoo, and he said he'd love that. =] I'm still a little bitter that I can't spend this Valentine's Day with Anthony in person, but I guess on camera is the next best thing. Valentine's Day is still not my favorite holiday, nor will it ever be, but I guess I'm warming up to the idea a little more now and am not hating on it as much. Love does crazy things to a person, but in a good way. I'm so glad I have Anthony in my life and that we love each other so much. <3