This has nothing to do with my relationship with Anthony or my LDR at all. I'm so fucking pissed off right now. Words can't even begin to describe!!! I was supposed to go on a retreat this weekend with a club from my college, my money was all paid, but now I'm probably not going! Why? My fucking stalker!!!! Yes, I said stalker. This guy has been OBSESSED with me since I started college in September...he followed me all around campus, harasses me on Facebook chat, would show up random places I was on campus, wouldn't leave me alone, and he hits on me at times when he KNOWS damn well I have a boyfriend, I'm HAPPY with my boyfriend and my boyfriend is 360 miles away and can't defend me. This kid is ruining my life and I'm always trying to avoid him on campus. All semester, things have been fine for the most part...I'd only had a few run-ins with him. Some girl asked him out in November and they just broke up about a month ago. I knew they'd break up, but I was hoping they'd stay together so he'd stay away from me and out of my hair. I am in the Newman Club, which is a Catholic group on campus, and it's my safe haven. The people are so sweet and I'm pretty close with all of them. So, a few weeks ago, I walk into the meeting...MY STALKER IS SITTING THERE!!! He joined the club out of the blue. He knew I was in the club and never bothered to stop by for the first semester and a half. We had to hand in the money for the retreat 2 weeks ago and somehow he was able to go on the retreat, which I didn't find out until YESTERDAY! The retreat starts in less than 5 hours. Now, I am terrified to go, and am waiting for a call from the vice president of the club to talk to her about me not going because of him. Nobody in the club knows about how he harasses me and makes my life a living hell. I'm afraid for my own safety if I go in this retreat and spend a weekend in the same house as my stalker. He's also a compulsive liar and I don't think he has all of his marbles because he's told me stories about how he's beaten people up in high school. He's a big guy and I'm terrified he'd physically hurt me or worse. This guy is making me afraid to go to meetings just because I know he'll be there! This was MY club and those are MY friends and I'm so scared to even see them now because I can't go to a meeting without him being there. Now, I'm trying to distance myself from the club because he's going there. I'm too nice of a person and too scared to tell him off; I've tried getting meaner with him...I don't talk to him that much and I give him an attitude when I do have to talk to him. He already got in big trouble with the dean for harassing another girl last semester, and the dean said if there's one more complaint about him, he can be expelled. I'm very tempted to, but I don't want him to find out it was me because again, I fear for my own safety. He doesn't have my cell number, nor does he know where I live luckily. We're Facebook friends, but I've been seriously considering blocking him. Sorry for the rant. I wish my boyfriend was here because I'm scared and I need to be held and reassured I'll be okay. My boyfriend HATES him (he hasn't met him) and he has told me in the past if he was home, he'd beat the shit out of him...Anthony doesn't stand a chance, unfortunately. But, it was uber cute that he wishes he could defend me.