For those of you who don't know, I talked to my boyfriend last Sunday about our communication. Last week, we barely got to talk and I felt like I needed a little more from him. I also don't have the best communication skills either, so I blamed myself too. I communicated it to him in a way that was extremely respectful and did not point fingers at all. It's not his fault. I told him it's a team effort and I need to work on it, too. He totally understood what I was saying and told me he was going to make more of an effort to text me and/or call me. He's been holding up his end of the deal, and I'm so proud of him! =] I just don't want him feeling like "oh I HAVE to talk to Jen today" if he's really busy, though. But, yesterday, I didn't hear from him, so I texted him at 11pm just to say hi. I didn't get a response...I figured he was probably busy and I'm a very understanding person, so it wasn't the end of the world. I went to bed, and I woke up at about 3:30am to a text. It was my boyfriend! He wrote "fuck. Put my cell down after getting home from the pool. I really need to remember to carry it on me more often. sorry. also, everything is fine. I'll talk to you later, when it's not an ungodly hour lol. I love you <3!" That made me smile because he didn't care that I was asleep, he just sent it anyway. I love that feeling of being cared about. I haven't heard from him today yet...I know I should occupy myself, but I just want to hear from him. I'm not angry at him, I just like hearing from him and hearing about his day. He hasn't been online basically all day either. He's probably extremely busy with schoolwork and/or random games going on through his floor at school. All and all, he's been doing a very good job of communicating with me.

I'm extremely proud of my boyfriend because he's taking control of his health! He is a picky eater and does not eat very healthily. Throw in eating at random times because he's a college student who lives in a dorm, and there you go. Since he went away to school, I'd say he's gained about maybe 20 pounds or so. He has a little belly, which I found absolutely cute, but I also was hoping he'd start to get healthy. I was very worried about his health. I never told him I was concerned. But, when he was home for Christmas break, we had deep conversation. He looked down at his stomach and he told me he didn't like having a belly, and commented on his arms, how he felt they weren't strong. Awww! It melted my heart to hear him talk about his insecurities. He told me he was going to hit the gym at school. I wasn't sure if he really would or not, because he's not athletic at all, nor has he ever been. But, he's told me lately he's been going to the gym with some friends from floor and they've been working out. The other day, he sent me a text telling me he ran 2 miles! I was so proud of him because he's by no means a runner. Then, he hit the pool after for some swimming. I think it's so great to hear he's working out and making an effort to get in shape. He's inspiring me to start working out again. I was a competitive runner in high school...qualified for the county championship meet 5 times in 8 seasons on varsity track and field, captain of the team for 3 years. But, after my senior season ended, I just lost motivation to run. It's been almost a year since I last ran, and I'm starting to miss it. I might begin running again and try distance running for the heck of it. I was never into distance. Maybe it's something Anthony and I can do together when he comes home for the summer!

Anthony and I are temporarily closing the distance in 43 days! He's coming home for the summer, and we'll spend it together! I'm actually a little nervous to be close distance for 3 and a half months. We were only a couple for 14 days before Anthony left for college, so we're more used to being a long distance couple than anything. Granted, we've known each other/been best friends for 12 years, so we're used to being around each other a lot. We went to the same school from 2nd grade on, and we saw each other every day there, but that's different. I'm so excited about closing the distance as well as being nervous about it, though! We need this, big time. The distance is very tough at times, and it'll be nice to spend a few months together, even if it is only temporary.

We haven't talked about the future straight up per se. We've talked about the next few years of school for us both. Anthony is doing a five-year undergraduate computer science program at his school, and is planning on combining his masters degree into that, totaling 6-7 years of long distance. He said it's just easier to do his masters there because it'd be much quicker than if he went elsewhere. If he did go to another college, it'd be about 8 or 9 years until he's done with school and gets a job. So, in that regard, I'm very happy and optimistic about his decision. I haven't really gotten to tell him about my future schooling, seeing as I am still trying to figure it all out. I know what I want to do with my life, but I'm still figuring out how to get there. I'm going to finish my biology undergraduate degree at the college I'm currently at, which is a local school. Then, I'm planning on attending this other school for a certificate program in Diagnostic Medical Sonography. This is something I've wanted to do for years, but there are not many local programs around. I am pretty sure I want to go to this one program by me, but it depends on the financial aid I receive from them. When he told me recently about his schedule for next quarter at school (his school is a quarter system), we talked about me possibly visiting him again! =] I won't have classes 5 days a week, so I could spend more than just a weekend up there with him if it worked out! He is so happy about that, as am I. For his degree, he has to do a total of 1 year doing a co-op, which is like an internship. He's doing his co-op in the Summer and Fall of 2012, and in the Spring and Summer of 2013. The good thing about co-op is he can do it anywhere in the country, so there is a possibility he may be local for it! BUT, he is also looking into this one co-op he really wants to do so badly, which is with Microsoft. It's a wonderful opportunity if he gets hired, but it's in Seattle. So, he'd be away in Seattle for 6 months....Seattle is on the opposite side of the country from where we live! D: That'd be very tough on both of us if he did go there, but it'd be an awesome opportunity for him, and I know we would get through it. I'd obviously visit him for about a week if possible once or twice. Who knows if he'll even get Microsoft, though? It's a very tough co-op to get, and I'd be super happy for him if he did get it. If he gets a local co-op, then we'd be CD for 6 months, then he'd go spend a quarter up at his school, and then go do his second co-op wherever that'd be, if it's local, then we'd be CD for 6 more months! Who knows what'll happen? It's way too far in advance to think about.

More future, not about school. In his Christmas card, Anthony wrote to me "I look forward to spending this and many more together." <3 That made me so happy to hear, that he is really in it for the long haul. We were only together 4 months when he wrote that, also. I think too far into the future, which I know is bad. Lately I've been thinking a lot about how I would love for him to propose to me on our 1 year anniversary. I've told my parents this, and they think I'm crazy lol. They want me to just enjoy the now. I guess I just want to know for sure we will get married one day. I do not want to get married any time soon. Not until after we both finish school and have stable jobs. But, I really can see myself marrying Anthony. I've known since I was 9 years old that he was the guy I was destined to be with. We have NOT talked about the future aside from schooling really. Neither of us has brought up anything about it, and I know if I do, it'll scare the shit out of him! Heck, I know it'd scare me too if I was a 19 year old guy. Even if we don't get engaged for another few years, I'd like a promise ring or a claddagh ring...nothing expensive at all. I don't like expensive things. Just a symbol of our love and commitment to one another. (Not that I need a piece of metal to tell me to be committed, because that's not true at all.) Since we became a couple, I started wearing my class ring on my left ring finger, and I never take it off. I'm thinking a possible conversation may come up about the future at some point this summer, while we're CD. My dad is getting married June 4th, and Anthony is going to come to the wedding with me! It's a backyard wedding, so I need to go out there and help set up the day before. Anthony told me he'd come out there, too, and since my dad and his fiance live about 45 minutes away from where Anthony and I live, it makes more sense to have him stay with us out there for the weekend. He said that'd be fine....I'd expect it would be! LOL, spending a weekend with his girlfriend? He's uber excited for this wedding, as am I. He wants to meet my future step-siblings pretty badly, too. He's heard some stories about them and he really wants to meet them, and they want to meet him. I told Anthony my dad was going to be picking up the marriage license soon. Anthony asked how it worked, and I was able to explain it to him. He seems really into the whole thing, and I think this wedding may get him talking about our future possibly...I hope so. I can see him saying something to me like "This'll be us one day." or something like that.

Anyway, I'd say that's enough of my ranting. I just had a lot of random thoughts in my head I wanted to talk about. I doubt anyone's still reading probably all stopped lol. Sorry if I bored you. Feel free to comment if you'd like. If not, that's cool too. I'll stop talking now. Thanks for reading.