Today was awesome! My biology lecture was an easy one today, and I got to spend some time with friends on campus today! With my love, I we texted before and he gave me some good news. He's coming home from college 2 days earlier than expected!!!! We'll be reunited in 23 days!! Ahhhh, so happy! I can't even believe how fast the time is going, and I'm super glad it is. Can't wait to spend the entire summer with him. It'll be so good for us...we both need this so badly.

Also, tonight I got to talk to Anthony on the phone for almost an hour! This was the first time we'd talked on the phone in a little over 3 weeks. We generally talk once a month, maybe twice a month on the phone if we're lucky. We generally rely on solely texting and MSN/FB chat to keep in touch, so phone calls are the BEST! <3 We had a pretty good conversation, like always. Too bad we had to cut the conversation short, because Anthony had a house meeting for his floor he had to go to. We would have talked for at least an hour more had he not had a meeting to go to, I'm sure. This is why I can't wait for summer. We won't be interrupted by random things on his floor...we'll spend it together and we'll get to have all the phone conversations we could ever want. Even before we were a couple, we'd have a phone conversation for at least an hour about once a week. I'm trying to be grateful for the time I did have on the phone with him tonight. He talked me through to a link to his CS project he did, which is pretty cool. I could never have written the code for that lol. I really really miss him now after hearing his voice. It was so calming for me to hear him speak; I love hearing his voice and I love the way it sounds. I wish he was here right now. *sigh* I want to hold him again. It's sooooo hard being apart from him. =[ I just need to hang in there for 23 days, persevere through! I have to be strong. I'm thinking that's probably the last phone call I'll get to have with him before he comes home....I hope that's not the case, but I have a feeling it will be. He's been on my mind nonstop as always, but before, I was really craving a kiss from him. I've been envisioning the first time we see each other when he comes home, and have envisioned me planting a huge kiss on him. Can't wait until we can irl. *hugs* only go so far, you know what I mean? Sorry this turned into a rant, and my own personal pity-party. This isn't the direction I was hoping this blog entry would go lol. I really love Anthony so much, and I feel lucky that he took the time out of his busy night to spend an hour with me on the phone. He's the best, and I am so looking forward to temporarily closing the distance! <3