I'm taking a break from studying for my finals, so I decided to write. Wow, my head is killing me...brain is absolutely fried from all of this studying. I can't not study, though. My ass is on the line, well technically my scholarship lol. I am so close to passing chemistry, but I need to do decently on my final. My test is on Monday, which I've never been so antsy for a Monday to be here! I need this to be over with already. I am way in over my head, and I am just exhausted from all of the studying. After chemistry, I have 3 other finals, which I am not as worried about. All of the torture of this semester will finally be over on Thursday! 5 more days to go! Right now, I'm trying to keep my mind off of the schoolwork for a few minutes to recover a little from the mindfuck I've endured the past 3 days from studying so much lol. I'm just vegging, and listening to some relaxing music to unwind a little bit. Oh my God, it feels so good to relax and not think about school. I'd love to take a nap for a little bit, but I know I can't do that. I guess after Thursday, I will be taking a nice, well deserved break from everything. I start my season at work next Sunday, so I get to enjoy at least 2 days of my summer lol.

12 days until Anthony and I are reunited! I can't wait! =] I'm so happy we're finally past the teens, and almost past the double digits of the countdown. This doesn't seem real yet...I sure hope it sinks in and gets here fast! I really need him now, so it kinda sucks that he's not home yet. These finals are kicking my ass, and I need a hug from Anthony to make it all better. He has been busy again lately, so we haven't talked a lot. He's also been offline a lot as well because of the schoolwork and projects. =[ We need this summer badly....we're both working so hard with school, and it'll be nice to just relax, and spend tons of time together while we can. I think I'm ready for him to be back home, actually I know I'm ready. I'm just a little apprehensive about it, too. Sure, we've spent 11 of our 12 years as best friends living at most a mile apart, but as a couple, we were only together 14 days before he left for college. As a couple, we are so used to being long distance, that I'm a little afraid we won't know how to be a close distance couple. It's going to be a big change, but it will be so awesome! *sigh* I love him so much. I really hope I get to hear from him today...I could sure use a nice conversation with him. <3