Oh boy, pressure's on! I have my chemistry final in the morning, and I am extremely nervous! I am so worried I didn't study as much as I should have, even though I've studied so much the past 4 days....my brain is fried, and I feel like there's no more room for chem in there. I am so exhausted mentally. I actually broke down crying about 45 minutes ago because I was so worried and overwhelmed by the whole thing. Anthony texted me before, and I felt bad because I vented a lot to him. He was simply wonderful about handling the whole thing and really made me feel a lot better. He always seems so calm and can reassure me that everything will be okay. There were lots of *hugs* and "I love you"s. It was so cute! He told me I'm almost done with school, this is the home stretch, and we'll be together again in 11 days! That made me so happy! I am so excited to be close distance again! We made plans for when he moves back to Long Island. I told him I want to take him out for his birthday (which was in March). He was all for it...I'll be taking him to dinner and we will be going to the movies to see "Water For Elephants!" I read the book 2 summers ago, and I gave Anthony the book to read last fall...he LOVED it, as did I. So, it should be awesome! Anyway, I need to get some sleep for my final tomorrow. This is the home stretch, I'm almost free and back in my boy's arms again! <3 I got this.