This is definitely going to be another hodgepodge blog.

My SO and I are down to 6 days on our countdown!!! He's moving out of his dorm on Thursday! Ahhhh! Is this really happening? It feels like a dream, granted, a very good dream. I'm so excited to hold him again and to get to spend this summer with Anthony. All I've wanted since I left Rochester from my visit is to give him a hug again, to get to hold hands, cuddle with him, have him to keep me warm when I get cold, and to kiss him again. I've especially needed him these past few weeks. The end of the semester for me was insanely chaotic and unlike anything I've ever experienced in my entire life. I leaned on Anthony so much to get me through, and he did. I am so grateful he was there for me, despite how much I complained via text and all the times I told him I didn't think I could take much more of school. But, he never stopped reassuring me that it'd all be okay and that I'm smart...he'd give me a countdown update until we're together again also. So yeah, I feel like I owe so much to him right now. I'm also getting nervous about closing the distance too! Anthony's my first boyfriend, and I'm his first "real" girlfriend...he had a relationship with a friend of his when he was 15 or 16, which was a complete disaster. I don't know how to be a close distance girlfriend, so I'm a bit scared I'll do something wrong.

Speaking of the end of the semester, it ended awfully. I studied for DAYS for my chemistry final...barely taking breaks. I've struggled with the class from the start, and I hated it so much. I ended up getting extremely confused, to the point of no return. I was failing. If I failed, I wouldn't have gotten the credit for the class, and it was a 5 credit course. I'd lose my scholarship because I wouldn't be considered a full time student. But, I managed to work hard and get a D- in the class...which I am not proud of at all. In fact, I am extremely ashamed of myself because I have never gotten below as C in any class in my entire life. I was always a B to A student my whole life, National Honor Society, high honor roll. Well, I didn't do well on my final, so I think it cost me the C. I have to sit through the class again this summer, 2 days a week, 3 hours a class....while my SO is home from college, AND while working a full time job, 40 hours a week. Poor Anthony...I hope I get to spend a little time with him while he's home. Granted, he'll be working too, but probably not the crazy hours I will be. =[ I know it'll all work out, and we'll get to spend time together this summer.

Anthony and I had the CUTEST conversation ever the other night!!! We were texting. My dad's fiance had ordered headpieces for herself, her daughter and me for her wedding, and they are being shipped out. I told Anthony about them.
Anthony: "Sounds really cool. Can't wait to see them! It'll look great on you!"
Me: "Aww, thanks! Your girlfriend is turning into a hippie!"
Anthony: "lol. maybe I like that."
Me: "I'll be your hippie girl lol."
Anthony: "lol. And I'm your nerd!"
Me: "Aww, and I wouldn't trade ya for the world! :3 Nothing wrong with that at all! (I'm relatively nerdy too, and I'm proud)."
Anthony: "Nothing wrong with nerds! Well, I'm going to get going, I have some HW to finish, and it's getting late. I love you <3!"
Me: "Ok. I have an early final anyway, so I should probably sleep beforehand lol. I love you too, my handsome nerd! <3 Good night!"
Anthony: "Night! <3"
This whole conversation made me smile so much! It was very fun and flirtatious. We don't usually flirt that much with each other, I know it sounds absurd. We just never really felt the need to. We do sometimes, but not often. We tell each other "I love you" a lot, and give a lot of *hugs*, but that's usually the extent of our affection while we're apart. And I'm okay with works for us. Last night, he was in my dream...we were very affectionate towards each other in the dream and were hugging, kissing, holding hands. Everything I've been longing for lol. Anyway, I'll wrap this blog up now. So many emotions right now....mostly excitement and happiness, with a little jitters sprinkled in there.