Well, the countdown is dwindling quickly! T-minus 2 days until he leaves Rochester! He only has one more final, and then it's homeward bound. I am so freaking excited!!! I'm just glad I'll be keeping busy the next two days...I have two full days of work to get through, and then he'll be home. We may not get to see each other on Wednesday, because his train arrives in our hometown late that night, but what's one more day apart, right? *sigh* I just want him here. Hopefully he's doing well...I haven't heard from him today. I'm hoping he'll text me later, but if not, that's okay. I understand he has to finish packing, setting up the furniture in his dorm back to its original layout and he has to study for one last final. I sure hope we get to text tomorrow, because we're together 9 months tomorrow!! <3 These next few days will be so exciting, and I really am hoping they'll fly by, so we can be reunited again!