Ahh! The countdown is down to 1 more day!!! In about 25 hours, my SO will be HOME for the entire summer!!!! This doesn't even seem real yet. I don't think it will set in for a few weeks because I'll be expecting to have to say goodbye after about a week, but he won't be leaving! =] No more lonely feelings, no more walking around the mall with friends wishing he was with me, no more nights spent missing him. I've envisioned the moment when we see each other again since I first left to go home after my visit. I see us completely breaking down, but in a good way; giving each other the biggest hug ever, a passionate kiss, lots of "I missed you so much"es, "I love you"s and "We did it! We got through the distance!"s. <3333 I can't wait! I hope tomorrow flies by. I'm working for 8 hours, and then when I get home, I still have to wait another 2.25 hours or so until he gets home lol. At least I'll have time to freshen up and make myself look pretty for Anthony before I see him. I may disappear from the site for awhile, because I'm going to be working 40 hours a week, taking a class through my college, and spending time with Anthony as well as my friends. But, I will definitely stop by and give you all updates periodically. I'll be back in full swing in September, when Anthony goes back to school and we start up the distance again. I'll miss you all, because you have helped me so much through this whole thing and I think of each one of you as friends of mine. Take care everyone, I hope all goes well the next few months!