Hi everyone! I know it's only been a few days since Anthony and I closed the distance, but I'd like to give an update already lol. I miss this place so much, and I've found myself stopping by daily even if I don't post anything.

So, Anthony arrived home at 11:30pm on May 18th! He texted me asking if I wanted to go get food with him, to which I replied I'd love to and I wouldn't mind going to work a bit tired the next day. I had a 7am shift, and he told me we could just see each other the next day instead because he didn't want me falling asleep driving to work, which I thought was so cute! I really wanted to see him that night, because it'd been so long, but I said to myself that Anthony was right, and what's one more day apart? We made plans to go the next night for dinner. Anthony picked me up at 8:30pm and when he knocked on my door, my heart began to race and I think I pounced to the door because I was so excited to see him! As I opened the door and saw my handsome man standing there, a smile appeared on my face and I opened the door. He entered the house and we just threw our arms around each other! "I missed you!" he said in his sincere voice, and I replied "I missed you too!". We kissed each other and continued to hold each other...neither of us wanted to let go. Our hearts were racing. We walked to the car, and he opened the door for me. He drove us to the mall, where we walked around for awhile, with our arms around each other, cherishing every second with one another. We went to Target, and walked around there, playing with the random toys in the toy section lol. We found a futon on display and he said someone on floor had that one. He showed me how it worked, and then he sat down...I sat down next to him and we just cuddled and talked for awhile in the middle of the store. Later, we went to Applebee's for half price appetizers, but we got there early, so we sat in the car for awhile and tried to play Rock Band on our iPods together. It was fun, but then my game kept kicking me out lol. We talked a lot over dinner, and shared a meal together. He took me home after dinner, and he walked me to the door...we hugged and told each other we loved each other and kissed again.

Yesterday evening, Anthony, our friends John and Alyssa (who are also a couple) another friend of theirs, Chris, and myself all decided to have an epic hangout. We went to a different mall than the mall Anthony and I went to the night before. Anthony and I decided we wanted food, so we got Wendy's, which was really good. Then, we all walked around the mall for awhile, enjoying each other's company. Anthony held my hand a lot and put his arm around me a lot, too, which I loved. Alyssa and I always pretend to have a side relationship aside from the guys (we really don't and the guys know that), which they find extremely amusing. We played along with that again and it's so cute because it seems like Anthony gets jealous....he'll pull me in close and say "mine!" when Alyssa tries to "take me away from him" lol. I talked to Anthony while he was driving me home, and I said, "you know the whole Alyssa thing is just all in good fun, right?" and he said "Yeah I know, it's extremely amusing." and he laughed. =] At least he knows we're kidding. After we walked around the mall, John, Chris and Alyssa wanted food. They got food, and Anthony and I decided we wanted Taco Bell....he let me pay!!! He's never let me pay before, and finally after insisting, he let me lol. We went to a parking lot in our town and just sat in the car having deep conversation, like we always do. John wanted to go across the street to 7-11 to get an energy drink, so we all walked to 7-11. He and Chris chugged Monster, and instantly became hyper. It was pretty funny, and it seemed as if they were drunk, but they weren't. All of my friends are straight-edge, and so are Anthony and myself. Some guy came out of 7-11 and was talking about the supposed rapture and we all began talking about Zombies. It was hysterical! So, John and Chris decided to run across town to another store just to burn off energy, so Anthony, Alyssa and I just followed. It was so much fun! We eventually took everyone home, and then Anthony brought me home. He walked me to the door again and gave me a huge hug, and we said "I love you" multiple times. We kissed again, and we decided we'd make some plans in the next few days. He said something while we were in the car, which really made me smile...he said something like "Tonight was so much fun! I am so glad we don't need to drink to have fun and we'll feel fine the next day." I totally agreed with him.

So far, close distance is awesome, and I'm so glad we get this time together! We love each other so much, and we deserve this!! Oh, I forgot! When Anthony picked me up yesterday to go hang with friends, he opened the armrest in the center console of his car, and he pulled out a small stuffed Moose. He gave it to me! It's sooooooo cute! He told me they didn't have any more Kiwi birds, which was a running joke on his floor, which I knew about from my visit...he wanted to buy me a Kiwi, but since they didn't have any Kiwis, he thought the moose was cute. I love it, and it's so great to have something stuffed that he gave to me that I can hold when we become LD again, knowing he bought it for me! <3 Anyway, I'll wrap this up for now. Hope all is going well for you all, and I'll update again soon!
