Yesterday, I went to work like any normal day. It was FREEZING there, and when I got home, I couldn't get warm no matter how hard I tried. I texted with Anthony for awhile, and thought of the idea to take a hot shower. It helped a lot, but when I got out, I felt weird. My hands got shaky and I got a little dizzy; I knew my blood sugar was dropping. So, I got up off the couch to get apple juice to try and treat the low, but I got really weak while I walked. I was home alone because my mom was visiting a friend out of state and my brother was 45 minutes away and doesn't drive yet, so I was really scared to be alone and feeling so crappy. Almost 2 years ago, I was seconds away from passing out from low blood sugar, so I was so afraid that'd happen again, but nobody would be around to save me. So, I texted Anthony, and he came over. Anthony stayed for 6 hours to make sure I was feeling okay. He helped by finding the glucose tablets in my house (my brother's a diabetic), making sure I ate some pretzels even though I wasn't hungry, and putting his arm around me, stroking my arm and hand to reassure me it'd be alright. Anthony didn't leave my side at all until someone got home, and even then, he stayed a few more hours. While he was at my house, we had such a deep conversation, and talked about so many different things. I knew at that moment, that he was for sure the one for me...I knew even before we became a couple that he was the one, but this really sealed the deal for me. I don't want to be with anyone else, and he was so sweet! Despite the fact that my hair was a mess, I didn't get to cover up my acne before he came over, and that I was wearing sweats when he showed up, he still showed me so much affection, and told me he loved me. I felt bad because I looked like shit, but it made me realize that Anthony truly loves me for me, and it doesn't matter how I look, and he will be there for me in sickness and in health. When he was going to leave, I tried to get up off the couch, and he knelt down and gave me a hug and a kiss. He said "I love you" and I thanked him again for coming over. He wouldn't let me get off the couch to give him a hug, which I thought was cute, too. Before he knelt down, he was on one knee at first, and I said to myself "Wait, is he proposing?" lol. But, he was stabling himself so he could get onto both knees to hug me lol. After my boy took care of me, I felt so much better, and I was so glad he'd come over to help me. I'd do the same for him if he wasn't feeling well, as well. *sigh* These are the little things about being close distance that I love, and will miss once we become long distance again. I honestly don't know what I would've done if Anthony wasn't around to take care of me. I love him so much! <333333