This entry isn't LDR's about self-esteem. I'm having a bad day right now, and my self-esteem is really low at the moment. I'm not thinking very highly of myself. I really don't think I am pretty at all, I am self-conscious of the way I look, and I wish I could feel positively about the way I look.

Today, this whole insecure, self-conscious feeling started when I was doing my hair and makeup as a test for my dad's wedding coming up in 9 days. I put on the makeup, and brushed out my hair, which I thought looked fine for the most part. But, then I tried on the dress, shoes, and jewelry I'll be wearing. I looked in the mirror and was appalled at how I looked. I didn't know what it was that I didn't like, but something left a bad taste in my mouth. Maybe it was the fact that the dress isn't that comes down to mid-thigh length or so on me. I am 5'6" and have long legs. I thought my legs looked freakishly long and awkward. Maybe it was the shoes I didn't like? Or maybe it was the necklace? It seems kind of over-the-top and gaudy for the dress I am wearing, so maybe that's it. *sigh*

I've been underweight my entire life. Many times, people have had he nerve to ask me if I eat, or if I am anorexic. I HATE being asked those types of questions, because it's nobody's business but my own. So, to put that awful question to rest, I DO EAT....A LOT. I love food, and I eat so much. I just have a fast metabolism, and people just assume I have an eating disorder, when that is 100% FALSE. It makes me feel self-conscious. I try to gain weight...I have many times, and I'm trying to do it the healthy way, but I just don't gain. The other day, that somehow came up in a conversation with Anthony, and I started talking about how I'm too skinny and need to gain weight but can't. He told me I looked fine the way I was.

I don't like my nose either. I think it's awkwardly big, even though people tell me it's normal. My brother in particular likes to tease me and tell me my nose is big. He makes jokes about it all the time, and I try not to believe them, but I can't stop feeling like that. I mean, I'd never do anything drastic to alter it, I just believe it is big now because of what my brother says, even if I know he's kidding.

In general, I can't really remember the last time I was told I was beautiful. My parents tell me, but I don't believe them. I tell myself they're my parents, and they have to say that. One day, at dinner, my mom was telling my brother he should possibly consider becoming a male model, and it hurt me a lot to hear her say that. It made me feel like I couldn't do that if I wanted to (not that I do), and I thought she was trying to say I wasn't pretty. Anthony sent me a text in January saying I was beautiful. That was the only time I can remember anyone ever telling me that. Since then, he hasn't texted me that again, nor has he said it in person. He sometimes will say over FB on a comment something about me looking great, or in a text he will, but I have never been told I am beautiful by him in person. It makes me feel like I'm not good enough for him, and I question what he sees in me.

Sorry for my rant, I just had a lot on my mind I needed to get out. I feel a little better now that I vented all of this.