This past weekend was so unforgettable! My boyfriend and I spent the weekend together, and we got to celebrate a special dad's wedding! I drove Anthony and my brother out to my dad's house, which is 45 minutes to an hour away from the town my SO and I live in. We got settled in, and helped set up things for the wedding. It was a backyard wedding. My dad needed Anthony and I to go to the beach and get sand for a project, which wasn't a problem because the beach was only a mile up the road. I had planned to take Anthony to the beach that evening anyway...I'd gotten the idea from my dad and his fiance, but that gave us an excuse to go. When in the car, I told my boyfriend I'd planned to take him to the beach even if my dad didn't need the sand, and I'd had it planned for months lol. I did, and I'd almost spoiled the surprise a few times throughout the course of the few months lol. Well, the beach was GORGEOUS!!! This beach had bridges made of wood that rolled along the was so romantic! My SO and I decided to take the walk down the bridge and go to the ocean from there. We walked the path holding hands and cuddling each other along the way. When we got to the ocean, we took our shoes off and hung out by the water. We drew hearts in the sand and wrote our initials. I also wrote out "I love you" in the sand for him to see. It was so much fun! Then, we sat down and just watched the waves, and talked for a bit. He thanked me so many times for taking him, and he said it was absolutely beautiful. Then, we shared a kiss on the beach. We filled up our buckets of sand for my dad and went back up to the bridge. We decided to watch the sun set from the was the most magnificent sunset I've ever seen! The colors were so vivid and gorgeous. Anthony and I stood, arms around each other, watching in awe as the sun bid goodbye for another day. We kissed as the sun set below the horizon. That night, we did more preparations for the wedding, and hung out with my family. Anthony met my step-siblings and their significant others. Everyone got along so well! We went to bed late that night, sharing a bed. We held hands as we fell asleep.

The next morning, we woke up at about 8am to help do more preparations for the wedding. I woke up feeling terribly nauseous...I was extremely nervous because I was supposed to give a toast at the wedding, and I had no idea what to say. (I ended up bailing out on the toast) I ended up throwing up. =\ So, I walked out of the bathroom, back to the bed where my SO was sitting. I'd told him I got sick and he felt bad for me. He put his arm around me and rubbed my arm. Eventually I felt better, and we went downstairs. All day, we helped with preparing, and finally, the big moment arrived. I got my makeup done as my SO mingled with people. When I came out to see him, he just stared at me. He told me I looked great. I had my dress on and my makeup was done. The wedding began and I walked into the backyard holding Anthony's hand. We all stood up on the back porch, witnessing the marriage of my dad and his fiance. It was a non-traditional service and it was one of the most beautiful I've ever seen! Anthony said it was beautiful too and he loved it. The reception was wonderful! We had a ton of fun, and danced the night away. It was so cute, because my SO is really awkward when he dances, so the fact that he even danced was so awesome. That night, we fell asleep together on the couch. The next day, we lounged around all day because we were just so tired. We'd spent a lot of the day cuddling together. =] My shoulders were bothering me, so he tried giving me a massage. The day was a lot of fun, even though we didn't go anywhere. I drove Anthony home that night, and he thanked me again for the amazing weekend. We hugged forever and gave each other some long kisses. This weekend was just so much fun, and was one of the best weekends I've ever had! I love my boyfriend so much and I'm so glad we got to share this together! <333