In my last entry, I'd mentioned how I said something stupid and I thought it'd affect my relationship. It's actually had no effect, which I am glad about. My boyfriend posted a FB note just the other day, and it really made me think that we're on the same page! One of the questions was about if he wants to get married. He's done a few note surveys throughout the past year with that same question. Here were his answers...

August 7th, 2010 (Before we became a couple): "Not thinking about that for a bit."
January 9th, 2011 (Together almost 5 months): "Of course"
June 25th, 2011 (Together almost 10.5 months): "When I can afford it. =P"

WOW! His opinion has changed so much over the past year....since we became a couple, he went from not wanting to even think of it, to wanting to and even mentioning when he can afford it! The way I'm interpreting it is that he's now seeing himself with me forever, married!!! Ahh, this is awesome, because I've foreseen this since I was 9 years old! Neither of us has even brought up our future together, and I'm not sure it's the right time to do so yet. I still doubt he'll be proposing any time soon, but at least I know he's thinking about it, and is cool with the idea of marriage. I just wanted to share this with you guys! <3