I'm not feeling like myself emotionally tonight...I was in such a shitty mood when I was hanging out with Anthony and our friends. I apologized to Anthony for not being myself and he was so understanding and sweet. He knows I'm working crazy hours and it's really affecting me negatively. I'm not sleeping nearly enough and I'm just exhausted all the time. I'm also starting to PMS, too. =\ This morning, I looked in the mirror and saw deep bags under my eyes from not sleeping well enough. I was horrified at how shitty I looked and it shot my self esteem into the floor. I talked to Anthony about it and told him how terrible I thought I looked. He said to me "you looked beautiful tonight." It made me melt! =] I didn't even try to look good....I was wearing capris that were stretchy, a tshirt from my college and converses. When he dropped me off at home, he held my hand as we walked up the steps to my house. He gave me a huge hug and we kissed a few times. He said "I love you, Jen." I replied "I love you too, Anthony." It was sooooo cute because that's the first time he's ever told me I'm beautiful IRL and that he said my name when he told me he loved me IRL. <3333 I freaking love my boyfriend so much and I am so glad he was able to make me smile, at least for a little bit. All I want to do now is just cry because I feel so emotionally exhausted, and I want to go to bed. I wish he didn't have to go back to his house....I just want to cuddle with him. Sorry for my rant, I just needed to get my feelings out.