Some people are just so self-centered and egocentric! -___- This girl I'm not really even friends with always FB chats me either to complain about her boyfriend or to tell me how amazing he is. They're close distance, and she knows I'm long distance with Anthony. She chatted me asking how I was, so I told her. I also told her that I hadn't heard from Anthony all day, and that made me a little bummed. So, tonight she is blatantly rubbing it in my face that she gets to see her fucking boyfriend whenever the hell she wants!!! I'll post word for word our conversation:

Her: "I gatta say, i really love my bf..... i was starin at him before nd he was like why are u staring at me? what did i do? and i was like still smiling at him nd he he realized i was just happy nd staring at him"
Me: "aww, i love when i get like that. that's how i felt when i saw anthony on webcam earlier in the week"
Her: "yeah..... nd we were talking all lovely.... we were cuddlin while sitting by the fire..... kissin nd huggin, holding hands"
Me: "cute"
Her: "yeah.... i really want to like cuddle with him in bed when hes shirtless now snuggle"
Me: "yeah, i wish i could do any of that with my boyfriend too...-____-"
Her: "yeah, u like him shirtless?"
Me: anthony? yeah. but i can't even hold his fucking hand if i wanted to right now! i can't even TALK to him."

She replied "yeah" to that and continued to ramble on about her boyfriend. She couldn't take the hint that I didn't want to hear it! I HATE when people are insensitive to my relationship and actually make me feel like their relationship is better than mine. She couldn't even take that fucking hint. I felt like she kept driving a stake further and further into my heart throughout the conversation. I was just so upset, I couldn't even get mad at her. I just wish people would let me do my own thing with my relationship and stop trying to make me feel bad intentionally. She was throwing it in my face that she gets to see her boyfriend every day and that she can hug him, and kiss him and hold his hand, and even talk to him whenever she wants. What I'd do to have that luxury. I wish everyone could experience LD, even if it was just for a little while, so they would shut their mouths and realize the pain we go through every day even before the belittling from others. That makes this whole thing 100x harder to deal with...I just miss Anthony and I want him here with me. I need a hug from him so badly. ='[ These close distancers don't know how LUCKY they are!!!