I haven't heard from Anthony since Friday night. It's only noon on Sunday, but this isn't like him. I couldn't sleep last night because I was too worried about him, and I was missing him so badly that I couldn't fall asleep. I wanted a hug from him more than anything in the world and I wished he was lying next to me. As I laid in my bed hugging my stuffed tiger (his school's mascot), while wearing his deodorant as perfume, I tried to sleep. Nothing. I sent him a text at 2:45am, saying "Hey, you still awake?" He never responded. I passed out eventually, after feeling lonely and worried for awhile. I woke up and checked my phone....still nothing. I don't understand it! Why isn't he making an effort? D: I started up a game of Words With Friends with him and he played two words today, so I know he's okay. But, I still miss him so badly. I feel forgotten about and it's as if he's putting me second to his floor. I just need to hear from him. I spoke to him on the phone Friday night and he sounded like himself and was as sweet as ever. I just want to know what's wrong, if anything. I always assume something's wrong or that I did something wrong if I don't hear from him. I understand he's busy, but there's no way he can be that busy that he can totally blow me off and forget about me like that. I miss him!!! I know I sound so clingy, but I'm really not at all. I just worry about him because I love him so much. Gosh, I hate distance, but I love Anthony so much! <3 25 more days until I fly to visit him and get to spend 5 days with him up at school! We need that so badly. He was so happy there was less than 4 more weeks when I was on the phone with him! So, he's looking forward to it just as much as I am. I just need more communication now to get me through until that day.