3 more days! 3 more days! 3 more days! *chanting* Wow, we're almost there! Just 3 more days until I will be on the plane to Rochester, and back in my love's arms! Holy shit, am I excited? I can hardly stand the wait. I have a few crazy days ahead of me until then. Today, I had a calculus test which went awfully. =[ I just didn't understand it, and was too stubborn to go get help with it...well, I've learned my lesson for next time. Tomorrow, I have an organic chemistry lab due and then Wednesday I have an ecology lab and possibly calculus homework due. After those crazy days of school, it's just a nice easy day of classes on Thursday morning, and then I'm flying out that evening!!! 45 minutes after takeoff, I'll be back in Anthony's arms!! I've been dying for a hug so badly these past few days, knowing we're so close to seeing each other IRL. His communication got so much better after I talked to him and specifically told me what was bothering me. He is doing fantastically and I'm so proud of him. We survived the weekend without talking. He was in the Adirondack mountains camping with his school. He got poured on, poor boyfriend! D: One of the members of his floor posted a picture of the group from camping, and it was the first picture I've seen of my boyfriend since he left. HOLY SHIT. HE LOOKS SOOOOO GOOD! He needs a haircut, but he looks gorgeous as ever. <33 *fanning myself* I can't wait to see him in real life. I can't wait to feel his embrace, smell his intoxicating scent (on him, not on me lol), to kiss his lips again and to just stare into his beautiful, brown eyes again. Oh, what I'd give to kiss him right now. I've been imagining the moment I get off that plane and see him waiting by the baggage claim so many times. I can feel the hug and the kiss already. I can see the tears streaming down my face as I am held by him again. I can hear his voice saying "I missed you so much. I love you." <3 Wow, this is all starting to feel so real. I'm so antsy, I want to be there already!!!! I can't wait!