My boyfriend is super smart. He really is. However, his common sense is a little bit off sometimes lol. I'm actually a little bit upset with him right now. I decided to make sure he had a ride to pick me up from the airport this coming Thursday, and he told me he could find one. (He doesn't have a car on campus). Then, he asked me when I was landing again. I sent him the itinerary in an email when I booked my tickets...HOW does he NOT know that? I find that a bit hard to believe. Why didn't he arrange a ride earlier? If I didn't mention it to him, would he completely have forgotten to do that and leave me stranded at the airport accidentally? It makes me worry because I'm going to be there in almost 1 day, and the fact that he didn't plan that out yet is just crazy! I mean, how else did he expect me to get to campus? It's a 20 minute drive from the airport, teleportation isn't yet a thing and I'm too young to rent a car (even if I was old enough, I don't have the funds). That's a very important thing that he had to plan out, but I had to make sure he did. I swear, if he somehow isn't at the airport when I arrive on Thursday, there will be a fight. We've never fought, ever and I really hope it doesn't come to that, but if he forgets to pick me up or can't get a ride because he didn't give a friend enough notice, that's inexcusable and needs to be addressed. Does he even want me to go visit? I can't wait to see him! Most of the time, it seems like he does, but him forgetting that makes me wonder how or why he could do that. He did buy our tickets for the men's hockey game on Saturday night, so obviously he remembers I'm visiting and is looking forward to it! *sigh* confusing!