At this time tomorrow, I will be navigating through the craziness that is the airport! Holy crap, it's almost here. I'm so stressed, plain and simple. I am so nervous! I've never navigated a big airport like the one I'm flying out of before, I don't know how/when/where to print my boarding pass, I've never checked baggage before, I'm terrified of flying to begin with and it's only the second time I'm flying alone. Also, I'm extremely anxious to finally see him again! =] But, I'm concerned because he said last night that he's working on finding a ride and he didn't remember what time my flight was landing. I'm terrified he'll forget to pick me up and I'll be stuck at the airport by myself with no transportation to his college! D: Gosh, I'm a wreck. Once I land and finally am reunited with him is when all of the anxieties will subside. Until that time, I'm going to be a mess! I cannot even wait to see him!!!! I wish I was there already so the stress would leave my life and I could enjoy my approximately 5 days with Anthony.