I just don't know how to get it into his head. I NEED MORE COMMUNICATION!!! There, that felt good to get that out there. I've had the conversation about 4 times last month with him telling him I need more from his end communicationwise. He does great for a few days, then he stumbles. It makes me feel like he doesn't care about me or that he doesn't love me. I know he's busy, and I now realize just how busy he is because I visited him. But, there's no way he's busy enough to completely forget to text me. I'm busy too but I always find the time to talk to him. He's lucky I'm so understanding. I really am upset right now because it's been a rough week for me, and I've barely heard from him, and I could sure use his cheering me up. I want to say something to him, but I don't want to sound naggy. Should I address it again? How should I bring it up? I've been nice about it every time, but he hasn't fully gotten it. Should I try and drill it into his head by being a little more forceful about it? He's wonderful to me when we do talk and when we're together, so I know he loves me and is committed to this. *sigh*