I had a revelation while driving home today. Well, I think my conscience told me I should change my whole conversation I was thinking of having with Anthony. I was planning on talking to him about communication (again, like a broken record lol) and I realized that he's been under a lot of stress the past few days with assignments due and working, so that'd only make things worse for him. It'd make him feel bad and feel as if he HAS to talk to me despite being super busy. So, I decided today I'm not even going to contact him unless he contacts me first; give him some space and let him breathe a little bit without me clinging to him. So far, I've been handling it just fine. It's been a good day for me and I feel comfortable with everything right now. Anyway, like I was saying about our conversation. I realized it'd be a very negative conversation to have, yet again and may make me come across as a nag because I've mentioned it a few times over the past 6 weeks. I got this idea to turn the conversation into something positive. I decided instead of nagging him again, I can turn it into a relationship evaluation. We can discuss what we're feeling right now, how everything's going for us and our needs as a couple and individually within the relationship. I have a lot of personal issues that lead me to want to talk to him every day. I have low self-esteem and I am a very insecure person, so even 14 months into the relationship, I still fear losing him. I may tell him that, even though he will reassure me that there's nothing to worry about. I'm just trying to work through these issues and will hopefully one day feel secure and not worry as much about losing him. I'm going to make this a positive conversation for us! We need to have a positive conversation, and it will be refreshing. We can make sure we're on the same page and if we're not, we can fix it! =] I'm still going to suggest to him that we set up a special day and time once a week to be "couples time" where we talk on the phone uninterrupted. I'm feeling so much better about a lot of things and I'm glad we haven't been able to talk on the phone yet because it let a lot of things simmer and fall into perspective for me so I could analyze them better and not make a mistake I would regret. Today was also nice because I stopped by Anthony's house on my way home from school today to go visit his mom. I've been meaning to give her a call for awhile to see how everything is going, but I've just been so busy and stressed out. I really care a lot about her and I love her, she's wonderful. She treats me like I'm a part of the family, which is great because if Anthony and I get engaged one day, I'll fit right in! =] But, it was so nice to see her again, and we spent about an hour talking. I got to see Anthony's sister again, too, who was happy to see me! Anthony's mom invited me to stop back over later for dinner if I'd like, because she's babysitting the next door neighbors' children. I think I will go back to spend some more time with her...I really love his family as much as my own! It was weird being at the house without Anthony there, though. Oh well, he'll be home in 30 days!! <3