Last night, we were able to have our phone conversation he promised me for almost a week! He felt awful he couldn't call me before he did, because he was so overwhelmed and busy. He told me his entire day yesterday and he didn't even have 2 minutes to sit down and relax from the time he woke up until the time he called me, which was at midnight. It really made sense to me how busy he was, and I feel a lot better now that we got to talk. Anthony sounded so happy to hear my voice, and I was ecstatic to hear him. We shared a lot of laughs and some funny stories. Then, we had a deep conversation where I asked him how everything was for him with our relationship and what he needed. He said he was fine with everything as is and that he is extremely happy. I told him about my insecurities and my low self-esteem, to which he replied "I don't know why you feel like that because you're awesome!" =] He reassured me I'm great and told me I should believe it. It was so sweet! I even was able to tell him that my insecurity leads me to worry a lot, and make me fear losing him. Anthony told me "You won't lose me for a long time." I know what he meant, but I was still confused, so I said to him "what?" and he said he had no idea what he was saying and that's so far in the future that he can't think like that. He told me I'll never lose him mentally. I guess that means that we'll be together forever and that the only way I'll ever lose him is when one of us eventually dies when we get old together. <3 He was telling me about this movie he just watched the other day with some friends and said that I'd love it. It was "Monty Python's The Meaning of Life." Anthony told me about some of the scenes and it sounded hysterical, so I told him I'd have to watch it! We also discussed when he'll be coming home for Thanksgiving break. His school gives them a week off before Thanksgiving, so I was expecting him to be home on November 19th, which is a Saturday, however he may be coming home a day earlier!!! Anthony told me he has a final that morning at 8am, but after that, he could try to come home that day, depending on the travel situation for the day. I would be super ecstatic if he could get home Friday instead! For now, I'm going to leave my countdown set to Saturday, and if it changes, then I'll subtract an extra day. We talked about when I visited his mom the other night because his mom called him last night and somehow I think that came up in conversation. She invited me over for dinner and we had a lot of fun! Anthony told me he had to try so hard not to tell her about my visit to see him, because she's already mad at him for something stupid, so if she found out I went to visit him, she'd be fuming! She already found out we spent the night in the same room a few times this summer at my dad's house. She flipped out because she thinks the worst is happening. He still never told her I visited in March either, so not only did I visit once without her knowledge, but twice. I told him I spoke to his neighbor and he suggested we go on a mini vacation during Christmas break! He said we should look into spending a day or two out in the Poconos or Montauk. I told Anthony about this and he said that it sounds like an awesome idea if we can afford it! I told him I'd rather look into bed and breakfasts or even a beach house as opposed to a hotel. That'll be more expensive, but I'll see what I can find. But, his mom and my mom will not approve, we just know it. Anthony said his mom will probably get over it pretty quickly. All and all, it was a very productive conversation and I feel so much closer to him! We talked for about an hour and a half and I didn't want the conversation to ever end, but Anthony had to be awake by 9:30 for the hockey game. He got a ticket to the game and obviously didn't want to sleep through the game lol. But, we really needed this and I think I fell in love even more with Anthony. I mean, I love him so much, but this just made me fall even deeper in love with him!!! 28 more days until we can see each other! Hopefully we can talk next week too! (And of course we'll text in between lol, we'd better! xD ) <333