It's amazing how my mood changes with the weather. I woke up this morning, and I just couldn't get out of bed. It was COLD, rainy and miserable out. Our high temperature was in the 40's today and we're forecasted to possibly receive snow on Saturday...noooooo! I hate snow more than any other type of weather out there. It's only October, it never snows on Long Island this early! So, I made my way to school and got through the day just fine; I was in an okay mood all day and I had fun playing kickball in the gym with some friends this afternoon. Our team kicked butt! =] Anyway, my mood changed significantly while I was walking to my car to go home. The cold rain steadily poured on my head, my sweatshirt providing very little warmth in the cool, fall air. I saw two different couples while walking across campus. The first was a boyfriend and a girlfriend who were walking together, the boyfriend holding an umbrella over his girlfriend's head. The next was a boyfriend with his arm around his girlfriend, shielding her from the rain and keeping her close to stay warm. I continued to walk alone in the rain, shivering more and more with each step and this wave of loneliness hit me. I realized I was totally alone and I began missing him so much! I wished he was there to hold an umbrella over my head or put his arm around me to warm me up. I drove across the street to Wendy's for lunch, where I sat at a table by myself staring out the window thinking about how much I wanted him here with me. I actually began to tear up as I ate my frosty. This is perfect cuddling weather, yet I have nobody here who I can cuddle up with. I wish he was here so we could snuggle together on the couch to warm up and watch a movie while drinking hot chocolate together. 23 more days.