I did some more research these past few days on schools that have a Certificate program for Diagnostic Medical Sonography in New York, and the results are very slim. There were only about 5 schools in the entire state which offer the program. Two of them are on Long Island, which is where I am currently living, one program is terrible and people never get hired if they go there, and the other one seems pretty good. This was the one I knew about from the start and was planning on attending. HOWEVER, I found out, my SO's school also offers it! I am now seriously considering going there instead of staying local. I'd still graduate my current college in 2 more years, then I would move up to Rochester and go through the program up there with Anthony by my side! It would be great!! I am extremely confused as to how to go about doing this, though. I'd have to apply to his school, except I don't know when to apply, and there's prerequisites I don't know if I'll be able to take before I go up there, so I may be behind in the program. Should I email the program director at his school? This is all so confusing! My program would either be a 1 year or 2 year program. My SO's undergrad is 5 years, mine is 4, so we'd be equal if I go there. He may combine his masters too so he'd have 1 or 2 extra years there. If my program is 1 year, then I would graduate his school the same year he finishes his undergrad, and I'd probably get a job at a hospital in Rochester, so I would have to get an apartment there...but I'm going to be broke after I graduate, so I could see if maybe we can move in together and buy an apartment together in Rochester when he goes for his masters! This is all one big IF. It's all IF I choose to go to his school, IF I get accepted. We could end the distance 1-2 years earlier than expected, which I really want to do because closing the distance in 3-4 years instead of 4-6 would be awesome! It's exhausting being long distance. I'm hoping this works and I am going to keep looking to try and get more info on this, because I want this to happen so badly! I'm going to have to move to him eventually, so why not move earlier? I also have a special place in my heart for his school ever since my visits and since I started following college hockey.

My Dilemma: How do I tell my SO? I think he may think I'm doing it only for him. That's one reason, but the next is because it's a good program and it's one of the few schools in the state to offer it. I don't know how to bring it up to him. I want to tell him when he comes home in November, but I don't know what to say. Do I tell him I've just been looking at possible schools because I'm going to have to start getting prepared to apply for these programs and then tell him that I saw his school had it? I could tell him that we'd graduate around the same time, and I'd still be graduating from my school first, which he knows was my dream school. I'd reassure him that he'll still have time for his friends and we'd be doing our own thing, but we would be together and it'd be wonderful! =] Anyway, I couldn't even believe I found that out! I hope this works, and I hope he's on board with it. Any advice as to how I could go about telling him about this in a way that won't scare him (because I'm discussing the future) is much appreciated. I'm sure he'll think this is great news and will be totally on board with it too. If this works, life will be great and we'll be together earlier than we're hoping!!