Well, I've been realizing some things over this past week. It's a big step for me in my battle with depression, and in my LDR. I think it's finally set in that we're long distance again and I've accepted it! I'm actually okay with things now! For me, this is huge!!! Our relationship has changed so much since the start, when we first became LD last September because we spent 8.5 months long distance, and then he came home in May where we spent 3.5 months CD. In late August, we became LD again, and it was a very big adjustment because I'd become so accustomed to life as a CD couple after the short 3.5 months spent together. I was beginning to get discouraged and think that I'd never get used to being LD again and that I wouldn't be able to cope with being apart and my depression without him here. I've been seeing a therapist once a week now since September and it's helping me so much. I've learned so much through her and I'm feeling more comfortable in many different aspects of my life that I had previously been unsure about. Everything is getting easier for me to cope with and it's getting easier to be apart again. It only took me about 2 months to get back into it, but I DID IT! My depression is getting better....I actually can feel happy again even if he's not here! I'm keeping busy and actually making plans to see friends again. I'm learning to feel more confident about myself and my relationship with Anthony. When we first started LD again, I would get very insecure and scared if I didn't hear from him every day; I would panic and think he didn't love me anymore. Those fears are subsiding and now I can go a day or two without hearing from him and I won't worry anymore. I just know how busy he is at school with his homework and his job on campus. I really know he loves me and always will, so I don't fear losing him nearly as much as I used to. He reassured me a few weeks ago and I can just replay it in my mind...it really resonated with me and has helped me to get through the distance. Every day I feel a little bit stronger, a little bit more confident, and I fall more in love with Anthony each day. I'm very proud of myself and I think he will be too. <3