I just bought a new webcam! I LOVE AMAZON STUDENT!! Free 2-day shipping for 6 months...can't beat it. It's expected to ship to me on Friday. I posted about it on FB and Anthony "liked" it and commented "WOOT!", and I replied "We'll have to make good use of it next quarter! =]" as a cute little way to get the hint across that I want to webcam more. I'm so happy that I finally got this cam. Ever since the infamous Windows Reinstall a few weeks ago, my computer just hasn't been the same. When I went to visit Anthony, my computer had trojans and nobody on his floor (which is full of Computer Science, Information Technology and Information Security majors ironically) could fix it. So, we had to back up all my files, uninstall Windows, install Fedora, reinstall Windows. In the process, it wiped out my computer of everything. All of my programs were gone, including the software for my cam and my microphone that was pre-installed on my laptop when I first got the computer so I couldn't use any of it. Hopefully next quarter, Anthony will have more time for me, so maybe we can try and Skype more...we only got to once during these 9 weeks so far.

Anthony's been really busy and overwhelmed these past few days. He has so many deadlines, and he only has a week and a half until finals week, then he's home! I feel so bad because I feel helpless, like there's nothing I can do to make it better for him. I can't take any of the workload away. But, I did decide to do something nice for him. I'm either writing him a letter or sending him a card. In it, I'm going to put a picture I edited. My friend took a sequence of 3 pictures of me today on campus. The first picture is me half laying on a wall outside my school, pointing to my eye. On the picture, I put "I". The second picture was me standing in front of several pine trees, making a heart with my hands. On that picture, I put "Love". The third picture is me sitting in front of trees, pointing at him. On the picture, I put "You" with a heart. I spliced the edited pictures together. There's a border on each one and a black vignette on it too! It looks so pretty and I think he'll love it! It's going to boost his spirits. I reminded him it's only 17 days, and that he can get through it. I told him to keep thinking of the week we'll get to spend together when he doesn't think he can handle the work anymore. I'm so proud of my Anthony. He's so smart and I know he can get through this!

I heard our song on the radio this evening!! =] This is the second time this week I've heard it, and I rarely hear it on the radio, so this was great. It made me smile because I know he's thinking of me when I hear it! It's our original song we first associated with each other. "Burnin' For You" by Blue Oyster Cult. I texted him to tell him I heard it, and I said "I love you." He replied back "awesome! I love you, too! <3" It was a cute moment...I love hearing our songs.

Final thought, I promise! I bought the last part of Anthony's Christmas present! It's a Dream Theater shirt...they're his favorite band and he couldn't go to see them on tour this year, which he was so bummed out about. So, I found a shirt from the Dramatic Tour of Events (their tour for the year) online and I bought it for him! I think he is going to LOVE this! Along with my painting for him and the Christmas ornament with a picture of us in it, I'm sure he's going to really appreciate it and be blown away by it all. I'm so excited, we get to spend our second Christmas together!