I just finished a Skype call with my boyfriend! I haven't seen him since October 10th, so to "see" him on camera was great! I almost cried a few times on camera with him because it was so great to see him again and he looked so cute! I'm almost crying as I write this because I didn't want the call to end. I could have talked to him forever. <3 We had a nice chat and shared some good laughs. He comes home in 13 days, so that's what's been getting both of us through. He told me I look great and I told him about all my progress I've made in therapy. He told me I sounded a lot better! He's off to a floor meeting now and he told me he'll either text me or call me tonight! Yay! I miss him so much...and I love him!! These Skype convos are bittersweet for me, because it's the best when we're talking, but when we have to sign off, I get sad and I usually cry after we're done Skyping. I love him. I love him. I LOVE HIM!!! <3 I just want to shout it from a mountaintop!