I had the biggest meltdown in the world yesterday. I was totally anticipating this for awhile now...I have at least one big meltdown per semester. Week 10, I finally cracked, I hit a wall and my mind felt like Chernobyl. My poor Anthony has the patience of a saint for putting up with me. I was being completely irrational in my texts that I sent, saying I should drop out of college and become a housewife, and that I can't do anything right. I'm in over my head...so many deadlines over the next week, I have no idea how I'm getting everything done. I had an organic chemistry test this morning that I know I failed (luckily she drops a test). Let's see what's due in the next week: calculus homework, 2 science lab reports, a lab for calculus, questions for another lab report, 2 tests in the same class in one week, and reading for another class. Anthony did a wonderful job of reassuring me that I could handle all of this and that I can do it. He is the sweetest boyfriend I could ever ask for, and I don't know what I'd do without him. I said that I hated my life, and he texted me a response telling me that I have so much going for me...he writes "Don't hate your life, you have too many good things going for you to do that. You are beautiful, smart, clever, funny and overall amazing in every way. <3!" School is totally taking over my life...I can't sleep through the night anymore and haven't for the longest time now, so I'm always tired, and I can't remember the last time I ate 3 meals in a day. I'm always hungry then. Luckily Anthony will be home in 9 days, so he can be here for me physically. He told me he really wishes he was here with me right now because he feels bad that I'm struggling so much and he can't be here to make it better with a hug or a kiss. I can't wait until he gets home! That's keeping me going right now...knowing I can see him again and that I have his love and support through all of this.