Last night, we almost had a fight, our first fight. He FB chatted me first at about 11pm, and he would reply maybe every 20 minutes to a half hour. He was working on a paper, but HE chatted me first! I was working on 2 lab reports simultaneously and was still replying within the normal time frame of an IM. Before I knew it, the clock read 1am. I was getting tired, and I hadn't heard from him for awhile so I told him I was going to bed. I waited around to see if I'd get a good night from him. 30 minutes elapsed and nothing. I sent him a FB message where I was obviously annoyed he hadn't replied, and told him good night. I texted him a little later on to see if he would reply to that. I was very upset in the text I'd sent. Nothing. I went to sleep angry, which is something I never ever do. He texted me at 3:30am telling me that he was still working on his paper and that he was exhausted, and he thought he'd replied to chat. He apologized and said good night and that he loved me. I feel a little bad now that I got so mad at him over that. A lot of it was me just being tired and overwhelmed by school. I made a promise to myself awhile back that no matter how crazy or overwhelming school got that I would never ever take it out on Anthony, but last night I broke that promise. I feel awful. Also, this past Sunday, one of the kids I coached last year in track was hit by a car and died. So, I've been mourning his loss too. (Anthony knew him too.) But, at the same time it's been a long road since he left for school. I don't really hear from him as much as last year, and I do feel a little neglected at times. Last night, I felt as if I wasn't important to him, even though he just got caught up in his paper. But, that's no excuse because I was working on just as much work as him but was replying quickly. I really think we should talk this out, but he's set to away, probably working on that paper still. 8 more days of this shit until he comes home, where I will have a real talk with him about this.