It's been a very very rough few days for me. I've been so upset since Saturday and I don't know why. I think some if it may have to do with the lack of communication with Anthony the past few days. Both of us have been doing a poor job of contacting one another. I've been pretty busy and stressed out with the last days of the semester and finals week this week. I have 4 finals, spanning the next week. I'm normally don't text him first because I like him to "chase me" and also I don't exactly have the best track record as far as texting; I manage to catch him at a bad time a majority of the time when I try to text him first. Either he's working on a project for school, a lab or is at a hockey game. So, I try not to text him first because I get frustrated then. He generally will take awhile to respond if he is busy, so therefore I also get frustrated. When he texts me first, things are always fine. Thank God he'll be home in 5 days...we need some time together. I miss him so badly! ='[ A lot of my sadness seems like it's spanning from anxiety. My therapist is recommending I see a psychiatrist to diagnose me. She thinks I either have an anxiety disorder or depression. I really need to make an appointment because it's affecting my life so negatively. I feel like there's a dark cloud looming over me and I can't shake this feeling. I just feel down. My insecurities are slowly starting to come back, too. For awhile, I felt confident in our relationship, but now the negative feelings are back. I fear losing Anthony and worry when I don't hear from him. I worry that he doesn't love me anymore. I really just miss talking to him and having real conversations.