I didn't want to start a new thread over this, so I decided to blog about it. I hate my therapist. She is terrible at what she does and I don't trust her at all. I don't feel comfortable enough to cry in front of her or get angry about anything there. I always sit the same way every time: I cross my right leg over my left and tend to rock my leg back and forth, picking my nail polish off. Today was the last straw for me. She made me feel like a complete and total freak because of the way I was feeling. I told her I was upset because Anthony went back to school yesterday after being home for 3 weeks or so. Somehow, she was surprised to hear I was STILL feeling upset and missing him. It's been one day...today was the first full day without him! She pretty much managed to tell me that it wasn't okay to miss him, to feel upset and that I should be getting on with my own life by now. It's extremely hard for me, no matter how many times we say goodbye, it still hurts just the same, if not more each time. This was our 8th goodbye and will be one of the longest amounts of time spent apart. He's coming home in 52 days. Our longest time spent apart was a little over 3 months, so it's hard when we're used to seeing each other on average every month to month and a half. It really feels like an eternity until then, but I know I can do it. It's going to take a few days to a week to fully get used to the distance again I'm sure, but I feel now like it's not okay to cry, to feel sad, to miss him, to long for his touch. Am I wrong in this? Is it normal to feel like this? Or is my therapist right? Not only does she sometimes make me feel worse after appointments, but she checks her phone during appointments, and she kicks me out almost immediately as soon as my appointment is up.