I'm practically crying tears of joy right now. I'm going to Rochester! In 2 weeks and 6 days! *looks at clock* Yep, it's past midnight, so now it's 20 days away. I counted up my money today and realized I was better off than I thought I was, so I could afford an extra trip to visit him, so I spoke to him on the phone tonight because I was far too excited to wait until Sunday night when we're going to Skype. He told me the weekend I chose works perfectly, so I'm going! Granted, I still need to book my flights, but I will be as soon as I see another sale with JetBlue. I can't believe this, we're cutting the time in between seeing each other in half! He is supposed to come home for about a week on March 1st, but he still hasn't booked his flight yet and I'm getting nervous. That's 47 days away, so that was very disheartening for me because it's so far away (for us at least) and I've been dreaming vividly about him every night since he's gone back. I am so stoked for this weekend with him. I mean, it's not like it's a lot of time, but it's still quality time with my love! That means we'll get to make out more, sooner lol. Good, because I've been like a dog in heat since he's left and I've been dying to make out with him again. Hahaha. =P Anyway, as excited as I am, I am also extremely tired because it's been a long day. Have a good night, LFAD! Just had to share my excitement!!!