Well, tomorrow I get a fresh start. It's a new semester at a brand new college for me. I'm actually excited, but nervous at the same time. I think I'd be more nervous if I'd never been to college before, but I've been through it and I know what to expect. I went to my previous college for a year and a half, but it wasn't the right fit for me. I was a biology major and was struggling from day 1. My last semester there was pure hell. I took two lab sciences, one of which was organic chemistry, and calculus as well. I got lost in the material almost instantly and couldn't recover from it, so I did terribly in two of my classes. The change was much needed. I changed my major to liberal arts, and I will be able to get my prerequisite courses for the program that I will be completing after I graduate done! Because of the switch, I am now at a community college and am getting an associate's degree instead of a bachelor's degree. I will hopefully be graduating in December if all goes to plan. The good news that came from the switch is that my SO and I will be closing the distance a year earlier than expected, which most of you already know because I mentioned it a lot in December. I will be moving to him and transferring to his college in the fall of 2013. We are both so excited to know that there is an end to the distance in sight. I think I'm ready for tomorrow, but I am most scared for parking. The parking is atrocious! There are over 10000 students and not nearly enough spots. I'm used to fighting for parking at my old school, but the school was tiny, so I was only fighting with a few students, not this many. Also, I barely know anyone going there. I have a few acquaintances I know who go there, so it's not like I'll be totally alone, but I need to make friends of my own. I am not a social person; I'm very shy and don't generally like big groups of people, so meeting new people is very hard for me. I spent the entire first semester at my old college eating lunch in my car because I didn't know anyone and I was too afraid to meet people. I won't let that happen here, but I am scared. I don't usually fit in. Well, I guess I'll see how it goes when I get there. Anthony is very supportive of me and thinks this is the best move for me because he saw how much stress I was under at my other school and how miserable I was. At least I have a good support system behind me through this.