I started my new college today and it went pretty well. My classes went well and I like my professors. I'm so thrilled because my physics class is non-calculus-based!!! I was so afraid it'd be calculus-based. I bombed calculus last semester, and am taking it again this semester so the thought of having two calculus type courses was my worst nightmare. I'm feeling positive about this switch already and the workload doesn't seem as bad as at my other school. I haven't heard from my boyfriend tonight. Yesterday, we only sent a few messages because he had a project due the next morning that he didn't start. =\ I'm upset because I really miss him and not hearing from him just makes it so much tougher for me. I sent him an email on Saturday night and I asked him if he got it. He said he did, and that he'd respond after he got his project done. Well, I never got a reply. It hurt a little bit because I poured my heart out in the email and it was beautiful, so to not hear back makes me feel like I wasted a half an hour writing it. In a way, I feel slightly neglected because I've barely heard from him. I must sound clingy and needy, but what can I say? I don't think I ask a lot from him...all I ask is to hear from him via text like once a day or so and talk on the phone or Skype once a week. I miss him so badly. I want to try and draw his attention in somehow that I even had this dumb idea of threatening to cancel my trip. I obviously wouldn't cancel it, but I'd make him work to "convince me" to not cancel it. *sigh* I can't wait 11 more days to see him. I feel like I need him here now.