This blog is inspired by The Beach Boys. I was listening to "Wouldn't It Be Nice?" this evening and it stood out in my mind more than ever. I am listening to it again as I write this. This song could be interpreted as a long distance song in a way. It made me a little emotional in a way. I miss Anthony and I feel like this song represents a lot of my feelings. I know all my feelings make closing the distance sound like sunshine, rainbows and unicorns, but I know that it becomes real life fast. For now though, I only have the positives on my mind, even though the mundane things and negatives to cross my mind too, but for the purposes of the interpretation, I stuck to the positives.

"Wouldn't it be nice if we were older, then we wouldn't have to wait so long.
And wouldn't it be nice to live together in the kind of world where we belong."

I can't wait until we are older and graduate college/I transfer to your college. Then we wouldn't have to wait so long in between seeing each other. We'd be together again and we could see each other whenever we want. Hopefully when we close the distance, we can live together, but even if we can't, we'll be in the same town together, where we belong.

"You know it's gonna make it that much better when we could say goodnight and stay together."

It'll be so great when we can say goodnight to one another in the same bed together and wake up next to each other every morning. Also, I think of this as having peace-of-mind in our relationship, knowing my SO is safe. We communicate better in person than when we're apart, so it'll be much better when we're CD.

"Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up
in the morning when the day is new
and after having spent the day together
hold each other close the whole night through"

This means not having to say goodbye to each other and getting to spend as much time together as possible.

"Happy times together we'd be spending
I wish that every kiss was neverending"

Getting to spend time together, go places, and experience things together would make for many memories. The kiss could refer to the airport goodbyes, where we can get as many kisses as we want when we're together and not have to worry about them being the final one for awhile.

"Maybe if we think and hope and wish and pray it might come true
Baby then there wouldn't be a single thing we couldn't do
We could be married and then we'd be happy
Oh wouldn't it be nice?"

It's so great to daydream about this, but it's not reality and it means we have to take the steps to close the distance in any way possible. We could do whatever we feel like as a couple when we're together, including getting married.

"You know it seems the more we talk about it
it only makes it worse to live without it
but let's talk about it
wouldn't it be nice"

As nice as it is to daydream about closing the distance, it also hurts because it brings me back to reality that we are still apart and will not be able to close the distance for another year and a half. Even though it hurts when we do think about it, we still need to discuss it to plan this out and make the plans to close the distance so it becomes a reality over time.