This is more about me venting than anything. I know I'm seeing him in 2 days, now at this point almost 1 day, but I feel like I've been through the ringer the past few weeks. It feels like I can't go one more day apart from him, as if I can't get through tomorrow. I need to be with him, right fucking now! Our communication has been complete shit the past few days. We almost split up on Sunday night because of a misinterpretation on my part, and since then, we've barely talked. Everything was fine after we straightened it out on Sunday. He's been extremely busy with schoolwork and it's driving me crazy not being able to talk to him. I texted him last night for a few minutes and he was taking forever to respond, so I just let him do what he needed to do. He thinks I'm okay with the limited contact, but I am absolutely miserable. Not hearing from him makes me terrified to visit now because I feel like he doesn't care, even though I know it's not true. I always have these same fears and around the time I go visit, I always seem to think our relationship is in shambles, when in reality, everything is fine. I know once I see him and am back in his arms, everything will be fine and the way it normally is. But, until that moment, I will continue to be anxious and nervous. I am so afraid he has emotionally shut down, but I know he's just busy. Ahhhhh it's so annoying! I hate the distance!!! I feel like the past week has dragged on and Friday seems like an eternity away. I just don't know how I'm going to make it to then. I made him a video this morning and I sang to him in the video...I never sing because I think I suck at it. I sang "Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley to him to help reassure him everything will be okay. I think I'm the one who needs reassurance. He hasn't commented on the video yet, but I'm guessing he hasn't been on G+ yet today. I decided I'm sick and tired of being the one chasing him and initiating conversations, so now I'm going to sit back and wait for him to contact me...he can chase me. If I don't hear from him, oh well, it's his loss then. I'll send him a text before takeoff on Friday afternoon. Maybe I'll be more flirtatious and even a little bit sexy in the text to make him wish time faster lol. I know he does miss me though and that he does want me to come visit, seeing as he's told me he can't wait for it to be Friday several times, yet I still am insecure. Damn, I have a lot of issues. I make it seem like it's his fault, but it's also partially mine for putting all of these expectations out there in my mind and if he doesn't meet them, I freak out and get insecure. I need to stop doing that. *sigh* HURRY UP TIME! I need this visit so badly...WE do.