Here we go...I'm at the airport. Through security. At the gate! =] Just 25 more minutes until boarding! I'm sitting here, nervous but super excited. I cannot believe that in about 2 and a half hours from now, I will be back in Anthony's arms. I'm so excited to see him and I can't wait! I just need to get through the 45 minute flight and then I'm there! That's not SO bad I guess. I mean, I always get travel anxiety before I fly, but I know it'll all be fine. The flight I'm on has cable television, so I guess I'll watch one and a half shows and then I'll be there. I just wanted to give you all a quick update before I spend a weekend with my love. I'm not sure how much I'll be on this weekend, but I'll try to pop over and give a quick update. If not, you'll probably be hearing from me Sunday night when I land back home. Anyway, I'm going to pack up my laptop again so I'm ready for boarding. Ahh, this is real, it's happening!