Well I guess I may be getting wedding fever. Okay, I AM getting wedding fever lol. I am nowhere near engaged by the way. Anthony and I have discussed marriage and the future a few times when we're together and on the phone sometimes. We foresee each other in each other's lives forever and we definitely want to get married to one another down the line. We first discussed it back in December when we were making out one night. Entangled in one another, I asked him where he saw himself in the future. He told me having a good job, nice house, children and with me by his side. I asked "heat of the moment?" and he replied "ask me again when we're not engangled in one another and I'll give you the same answer." Last time I visited him, so 2 weeks ago, I told him there was something I wanted. Something I couldn't have for a few years, but that I wanted it. He asked me what it was. I told him I wanted his last name. He told me we were a bit young for that. I told him in a few years, when we're older. He promised me I can have it someday. We've discussed what kind of house we both want together and how we want to grow old with one another and be that couple sitting on the porch swing yelling at kids to get off of our lawn. xD Anyway, I've been watching a lot of "Say Yes to the Dress" lately, and I've just been thinking a lot about what marriage would be like. I want to be engaged to Anthony so badly, but I don't discuss it with him since I know he's not ready for that yet. But, that doesn't stop me from dreaming and hoping. Last night, I had a dream. It was so vivid. I dreamed of my wedding to Anthony! Well, it was the preparation for it. My family was all in it, and the guests began arriving while we were still putting the final touches together! I was getting married in my dad and stepmom's backyard. (Naturally, because they got married there in June) So, I was in the house getting ready and stressing because the guests were there already and we were still getting prepared. Anthony had not arrived yet and I was starting to wonder where he was. I finally got into my dress. It wasn't a typical wedding dress. It was a brown sundress I wore for our 1 year anniversary! I had my flowers and everything wearing this dress. Around the time Anthony was supposedly showing up, I woke up. It was weird. But, this was the first wedding dream I had. Everything was disastrous in it, so that's not a good sign lol. *sigh* I need to cool it, I know, but I want to be engaged to him so badly! Sorry for my randomness on this one.