I'm wondering if anyone else gets like I do. There seems to be a lot of LD couples on here breaking up recently and every time I read a story like that on here, I freak out. I get so nervous and insecure. Especially when someone gets blindsided by it. Right now, I've been dealing with depression for awhile and started antidepressants, so I'm a little on edge I guess. I woke up at 4:30am and had a full blown panic attack. My heart was racing and I checked every social networking tool that Anthony and I use because I was so terrified of seeing a break up letter. Nothing sparked this at all, it was totally out of the blue. When I found nothing, I went back to sleep. I haven't heard from him that much the past few weeks, but I know he has been so stressed out with school and being on academic probation. It's a ton of pressure on him and if he doesn't get his act together this quarter, he gets kicked out for a year...he has finals next week, so I'd imagine he's probably freaking out. I know he's smart and that he can do it. I'm so insecure now because we haven't talked that much and I've been kinda negative when I have talked to him. It was right before my psychiatrist appointment so I was in a bad place, I was nervous and then the next night I talked to him, I was sick as a dog so I was complaining the whole time we were texting about how sick I was and how shitty I felt. I'm so glad he comes home in 5 days because I'm getting really nervous. I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. He's probably overwhelmed with school and I think it's his defense mechanism to pull away when he gets stressed. Maybe he doesn't want to show his weakness to me and is afraid to talk to me because he'll get upset about school. Maybe he's trying not to bring down my mood because he knows I've been battling depression. But, it's making me feel worse not hearing from him and I'd think of him as even MORE of a man if he did express his emotions and weaknesses to me. I wish he was home and not up there. I just need to know everything's okay between us. I don't THINK anything happened...not that I can recall. I'm sure it's just my own insecurities making this out to be worse than it really is.