This is the moment of truth for my love. He is taking his first of two finals as I type this. I am so nervous for him...this is do or die time for him. Tomorrow morning is his second final and then he will be on the train coming home for a week! He's had a rough time in college since he started, not that I was much better. I transferred out of my college for academic and financial reasons, but by my own freewill. My SO may not be so fortunate. He may be asked to leave either for a year or permanently because of academics if he does not get a certain grade this quarter. He's been so overwhelmed, stressed and obsessed with his schoolwork. It's really taking its toll on him and I feel so bad because I can't make it better for him. It's been a rough few weeks for us both, so this visit is totally needed. We are both looking so forward to it. I can't wait to see him!!!! Can you guys please send positive vibes or prayers for my SO? Thanks!