We closed the distance 5 days ago! It's been quite an adventure already. I swear, he's a totally different person when we are together and I love it. He is so attentive to me and so present, so mushy. I drove up to Rochester on Saturday morning and arrived in record time lol...got there at 12:30pm. That's about 6 hours of driving. Anthony spent a good portion of the day packing up everything he owns and then we just sat together, boxes and crates all over the room. It really began to set in that he was going to be coming home with me. We went to the hockey game that night. The men's team lost in the championship game and the women's team won the national championship! It was a ton of fun and then we went to the diner with a few of his friends. We got back to the dorm and had a little fun before going to sleep. The next morning, Anthony finished packing and loaded up my car. We left around 1pm and arrived back home at 7pm. It was an exhausting weekend for me, driving 13 hours in 2 days. I still don't know how I did that lol. That night, Anthony and I met up with our friends John and Alyssa and we double dated with them...we went to Applebee's for half-price appetizers and then we just hung out for awhile. We always have a blast with them! John was headed back to Connecticut the next morning to go back to school. John and Alyssa are in an LDR as well, so they understood what we were going through. Anthony and I hung out on Tuesday for 12 hours lol. I got home from class and he was waiting at my doorstep for me! We had a little afternoon delight while my mom was at work and my brother was at baseball. xD So much fun! Then, we grabbed a bite to eat at the diner. We came back to my house and watched "George of the Jungle", which is one of my favorite movies. Last night, we talked on FB chat for about 3 hours! Lately, we've been discussing the future a lot! It's been serious talk too. He told me he wants to marry me and cannot see himself with anyone else but me. We talked a little bit about engagement last night and I showed him the ring I want. He told me he thinks about it a lot too and that he is not afraid of commitment, engagement and marriage. I doubt we'll be getting engaged for awhile though, even though I really want to! I am going to see him after school today, not sure what we're doing yet. I am seriously considering getting my belly button pierced, so maybe I'll drag him with me today and maybe I'll get it done tonight. He told me he thinks it'd look cute on me because my stomach is "perfect" according to him. I am so glad we're CD now and I am so madly, insanely and truly in love with Anthony! <3