Sorry, I've been sort of MIA lately. There's been a lot going on. I had my last day of work last night, which was bittersweet. I am just happy to have a little time to myself before school begins again. Right now, Anthony is trying to get his plans for September figured out. He reapplied to his current school and is waiting to hear back from them. If he gets accepted to another program, he can go back in September. That would mean going long distance again. I know he really wants to go back, but I am so used to him being here that I almost don't want him to. I really don't know how I can do the distance thing again. It's so hard. But, there is also the possibility that he may not get accepted and his backup plan is to transfer to a school 40 minutes from our town. I think he would live out there, so it's not too bad because it's like a 30 minute train ride to and from, so he could come home when he wants or I can go visit with ease. I wouldn't mind that one bit! Geez, I fee like the bad guy wishing that he stays home, but I am really scared to go back to LD. It's been 5 months since he moved home and these past 5 months have brought us so much closer and I love being able to see him whenever I want or if I really need him. Tomorrow is our 2 year anniversary! I am sooooo excited!!! We still haven't decided on plans yet lol. He really wants to go into New York City, but I don't feel like doing all that walking and taking the train there, only to go almost as far east as Montauk that night to stay at my dad's house. I have ideas too out near my dad's place, which would require less travelling. I am hoping for a promise ring, but I am not getting my hopes up. I hate disappointment, so I refuse to do that to myself again. I got him a gift certificate to go get a professional massage and I made him a picture collage thing. He's been dying for a real massage for a long time, but he can't afford it. So, I know he will love it. I do have a very funny story! Last weekend, our town had a carnival, so Anthony took me there. We went for the fireworks mainly. So, I ran into one of my best friends there and we were all talking. Anthony decides to get a snow cone, and as soon as he walks away, the fireworks start. He finally gets back and we go to watch the fireworks and he's eating his snow cone, his mouth turning all blue from the coloring. =P Then, he stood behind me and gave me a hug. For some reason, he put the snow cone against my back and it started to drip. I was wearing an off-white tanktop. To make things even worse, he took a step back when he was holding me from behind, and he realized he'd been standing in vomit the whole time! So, he's now freaking out about getting this vomit off his shoe and I'm just trying to enjoy the fireworks. Needless to say that wasn't exactly the most romantic fireworks display I've seen. xD It is so typical for us though because we're both kinda awkward. Looking back on it, it was so hysterical! Anyway, that's it for now. I'll probably blog about our anniversary in a few days!